Term 4, 2022 

Year 2 Term 4


This term…


The students are investigating how forces change the way things move with our unit of inquiry, How the World Works. We will focus on push and pull, gravity, friction and buoyancy. These are all involved with our experiments with their toys, play equipment, paper planes and marble runs.


Later in the term, the students will focus on exploring their local community as part of our Unit of Inquiry about “How we organise ourselves”. They are identifying the benefits of living in our local community and the services and systems in place in Bayside.




The students will continue to focus on the various reading strategies under the headings of Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expand Vocabulary. The emphasis will be on students reading fluently with increased expression and understanding and comprehending what they have read. 



The students will learn how to organise their writing into paragraphs and when to begin a new paragraph. They will be introduced to Persuasive Writing and discuss the writing traits of Word Choice and Voice when trying to persuade their reader. The students will create advertisements and brochures to encourage visitors to their local community and learn to write procedural text to explain how to complete a specific task.  


We will continue to revise the organisation of a recount, narrative and information reports and how to use adjectives to make our writing more descriptive and interesting for the reader. 





This term the students will revise the punctuation and grammar we have covered including full stops, capital letters, commas, nouns, verbs and adjectives. 



Number and Algebra

During Term 4 the students will focus on all areas of number, particularly focusing on recognising and interpreting common uses of halves, quarters and eighths of shapes and collections. We will also revise counting and ordering small collections of Australian coins and notes according to their value. We are learning to add up money amounts and learning how to give change.


We will continue to incorporate the Math Daily 3 of ‘Math by Myself, Math with someone and Math writing into our learning routines enabling the students to practise their learning, consolidate and clarify new concepts. 


Measurement and Geometry

During our applied Maths sessions we will be interpreting maps, compass points, pathways, positions and grid references. We will also focus on describing the features of three-dimensional objects, using words such as surfaces, edges and corners. We will revise telling the time to the quarter-hour, using the language of 'past' and 'to' on both analogue and digital clocks.


Statistics and Probability

We will continue revising our knowledge of graphing and data collection through looking at data displays and interpreting a range of information. 


Units of Inquiry


Communities function through services and systems


Lines of Inquiry

  • Physical characteristics of the local community
  •  Resources used in the community
  • Systems and services that support a community


Forces change the way things move

 Lines of Inquiry

  • Forces make things move
  • The different types of forces

Speaking & Listening

This term we are focusing on listening carefully and with respect when teachers and other students are speaking. 


Whole-school Focus on PYP Learner Profile Attributes

October: Inquirers

November: Communicators

December: Knowledgeable


Resilience Project Focus

We continue to work through the Resilience Project lesson to build gratitude, empathy and mindfulness.