Curriculum- Teaching and Learning

School Wide Teaching and Learning
In each edition of our school newsletter, we share with our community an insight into the curriculum being taught within our classrooms. This reflects our school's strong focus upon continuous improvement.
Each edition covers a different area of the curriculum, and is supported by our school-wide approaches to teaching and learning.
In this edition we provide you with some summary information from our recent School Review, and an overview of Specialist Programming for 2023.
School Strategic Plan 2022-2026 and Initiatives
Over the last six months there has been lots of positive talk around our school regarding the School Review Process. At tonight's School Council meeting (Monday 12th December 2022) we present our new School Strategic Plan (SSP) 2022-2026.
Following endorsement by School Council, this SSP will be shared with our school community in early 2023.
In the meantime, please see a summary presentation which provides a synopsis of discussion points which were held between staff during our November Curriculum Day; during which we finalised our goals for the next SSP.
The findings of our School Review (conducted at the end of Term Three, 2022) demonstrated that our school is in a strong position moving forward, with the overall theme of the review being that “…Upwey South Primary School is a great place to belong.”
Whilst the findings of the Review Report are not yet publicly accessible, the following points can be highlighted:
- Our school has been invited to apply for Silver Accreditation as an SWPBL school, jumping Blue and Bronze Level Accreditation (currently there are only 31 out of 1557 DET schools who have been awarded Silver Accreditation, and there are only 3 DET schools with Gold Accreditation).
- Our school’s 2022 Year Three NAPLAN Literacy results were in the ‘Top Five’ schools across the Outer Eastern Region (this data is taken from over 120 schools, 98 of which are primary)
- Our school’s Parent Opinion Survey Results within the 12 key indicators were all at 90% or above positive endorsement
- Our school’s Staff Opinion Survey (climate/culture) within the 6 key indicators were all at 90% or above positive endorsement
- Our Student Opinion Survey Data (Year Three-Six) summary results indicated that students have a strong desire to have greater input and direction into personalised learning.
In response to the findings of our School Review, the School Strategic Plan (SSP) for the next four years has the following three main goals:
- Goal 1: To improve numeracy outcomes for all students.
- Goal 2: To strengthen student voice, student agency, and student leadership.
- Goal 3: To broaden professional partnerships to improve student outcomes.
2023 Specialist Programming
Please refer to the below information, which provides you with an overview of our specialist programming for 2023.
Foundation Specialist Programming
In 2023, all Foundation students will take part in the following specialist programs, with the following teachers:
- Health and Physical Education- Mr Justin Scicluna
- Visual Arts- Mrs Danielle Haines
- Performing Arts- Ms Penelope Lang
- AUSLAN (Languages Other Than English)- Mrs Amanda Oakley
- Perceptual Motor Program- Mr Justin Scicluna
All of the above specialist programs will be 50 minutes duration, and will be held on a weekly basis throughout the school year.
Year One Specialist Programming
In 2023, all Year One students will take part in the following specialist programs, with the following teachers:
- Health and Physical Education - Mr Justin Scicluna
- Visual Arts - Mrs Danielle Haines
- Performing Arts - Ms Penelope Lang
- AUSLAN (Languages Other Than English) - Mrs Amanda Oakley
- Berry Street Education - Ms Penelope Lang
All of the above specialist programs will be 50 minutes duration, and will be held on a weekly basis throughout the school year.
Berry Street Education (as we will refer to this subject area with our junior students) is a new specialist program being introduced in 2023. This subject involves students learning about Bodies, Brains, and Emotional Regulation (Life Science).In 2023, all Year One students will take part in the following specialist programs, with the following teachers:
- Health and Physical Education - Mr Justin Scicluna
- Visual Arts - Mrs Danielle Haines
- Performing Arts - Ms Penelope Lang
- AUSLAN (Languages Other Than English) - Mrs Amanda Oakley
- Berry Street Education - Ms Penelope Lang
All of the above specialist programs will be 50 minutes duration, and will be held on a weekly basis throughout the school year.
Berry Street Education (as we will refer to this subject area with our junior students) is a new specialist program being introduced in 2023. This subject involves students learning about Bodies, Brains, and Emotional Regulation (Life Science).
Year Two Specialist Programming
In 2023, all Year Two students will take part in the following specialist programs, with the following teachers:
- Health and Physical Education - Mr Justin Scicluna
- Visual Arts - Mrs Danielle Haines
- Performing Arts - Ms Penelope Lang
- Japanese (Languages Other Than English) - Lee Sensei (Miss Michelle Lee)
- Berry Street Education - Ms Penelope Lang
All of the above specialist programs will be 50 minutes duration, and will be held on a weekly basis throughout the school year.
Year Three/Four Specialist Programming
In 2023, all Year Three/Four students will take part in the following specialist programs, with the following teachers:
- Health and Physical Education- Mr Justin Scicluna
- Visual Arts- Mrs Danielle Haines
- Performing Arts- Ms Penelope Lang
- Japanese (Languages Other Than English)- Lee Sensei (Miss Michelle Lee)
- Science, Technology and Engineering- Ms Hayley Oliver
All of the above specialist programs will be 50 minutes duration, and will be held on a weekly basis throughout the school year.
Year Five/Six Specialist Programming
In 2023, all Year Five/Six students will take part in the following specialist programs, with the following teachers:
- Health and Physical Education- Mr Justin Scicluna
- Visual Arts- Mrs Danielle Haines
- Performing Arts- Ms Penelope Lang
- Japanese (Languages Other Than English)- Lee Sensei (Miss Michelle Lee)
- Science, Technology and Engineering- Ms Hayley Oliver
All of the above specialist programs will be 50 minutes duration, and will be held on a weekly basis throughout the school year.
Year Five/Six Subject Selection
In 2023, students across our three Year Five/Six classes will have the opportunity to self-select their subjects within the following disciplines:
- History and Geography
- Health and Physical Education
Within the above disciplines, students will be learning and collaborating beyond their home classes (eg: mixed across the three Year Five/Six classes) based upon subject selection. A detailed overview of this initiative will be provided to students and families in early Term One, 2023; with the program to commence in mid-Term One, 2023.
Year Three- Year Six Student Agency Electives
In 2023, all students in Year Three-Six will have the opportunity to take part in Student Agency Electives each Friday between 2:30pm-3:30pm. These electives are on offer to all six classes across both Year Three/Four and Year Five/Six.In early 2023, students will be provided with the opportunity to select subject preferences from between 12-14 subject areas, with each elective subject running for the duration of one semester. This variety of elective subjects is possible through the timetabling of existing specialist staff and partnerships with community agencies.
We are very excited about the learning opportunities presented through our Student Agency Electives initiative, which came as a recommendation from our recent school review. A detailed overview of this initiative will be provided to students and families in early Term One, 2023; with the program to commence in mid-Term One, 2023.
Teaching and Learning Programs across USPS are delivered through direct-explicit instruction, and are facilitated through our school-wide instructional model, the Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR).
The academic curriculum is supported by a strong social-emotional learning culture, which is based upon the BSEM and SWPBL.
Core curriculum subjects are complemented by extensive extra-curricular programming and specialist classes consisting of the following disciplines: Visual Arts (60 mins per week), Performing Arts/Music (60 mins per week), Health/Physical Education (60mins per week), Japanese (40 minutes per fortnight).