Classroom News Foundation

Hopefully we will see you all back to school this week! You are all in our thoughts as BPS families.


We would like to share what our Foundation students are learning in class at the moment. This allows you make links when supporting your child at home with reading, recognising sounds and handwriting in lowercase letters using the ‘Victorian Cursive’ style.


Each week we have a new ‘mentor text’, where we model reading behaviours and comprehension strategies. At the moment we are reading ‘big books’ so that students can easily see the words and investigate some sounds in the words from the story. There are three letters that we look at in detail, where we learn the common sounds and which words contain these sounds. This is all part of the foundation of learning to read and spell. Students have begun using inspiration pictures to tune into drawing what they see and they are having a go at writing what sounds they can hear in the words to match their pictures.


At present we are investigating each digit, to understand how to write the numerals, what the number represents, where we see these numbers in real life, what the number look like in different ways, and relationships to other types of maths to these numbers like addition.

Integrated Studies

In one mentor text in Reading, there was a tiger character who ran amok in the classroom. Students have made a tiger mask to act out positive ways to behave and follow routines in the classroom.


Best Wishes Everyone!

Lou, Zoya and Terena