
Our Blackburn Primary School Artists have been busy creating here at school and over the past three days at home. As always, I am proud and delighted with the myriad of skills, interests and individual talents that the children share through their Artwork.

The themes we have been studying include:

*Foundation: Me and My Family

*Grades One and Two: Funny and Fabulous connections - Comic drawing of animals and every day objects 

*Grades Three and Four: Comic Drawing - Using the right side of our brain to stretch our imagination, our drawing and design skills while making funny connections.

*Grades Five and Six: Visual jokes and the role of the cartoonist. Making and drawing comic connections that include a variety of elements: animals and creatures, objects, setting and visual puns.

*With at home learning we have looked to a variety of illustrated texts to inspire us in 'Rainbow Bear Art' : Line, colour, pattern and shape, 'I pad Web Art': photography, and contour line drawing, frames and I pad Artwork.

Best wishes,

Mrs D
