

Wominjeka Everyone, 

And this is it for this crazy year 2020!

It has been so wonderful to see all our children back this term and we can’t wait to see everyone in 2021, in the new COVID normal.

We would like to wish to all grade 6s a successful path for their year7 next year!

Be Safe everyone and enjoy your break!





Thank you to all the families who took their time to set up their account with Xplor.

Here is a guide to make an Xplor ID and set up their PIN to be used with their mobile number. https://support.ourxplor.com/hc/en-us/articles/900000929823-Xplor-ID-on-Home-AppIf you are stuck in this process, please contact the wonderful support team of Xplor on support@myxplor.com



Next Year:


First day for OSHC is: Thursday the 28th of January 2021

BSC: 7 – 8:45am

ASC: 3:30 – 6pm



We will be closed until the 19th of January 2021.

If you have any enquiries please send an email to oshc.brunswick.nw.ps@education.vic.gov.au and we will try get back to you ASAP.