school life 

farewell grade 6's 


We thought we would finish the year off with one of the speeches written for graduation by Alexandra Cohen.  Unfortunately, we were unable to publish the second speech by Sarah Vural (it self-destructs once read aloud). Thanks grade 6s, we had a fab year with you all! BNWPS!



Hello, my name is Alexandra Cohen. I am speaking on behalf of the graduating year 6, students of 2020 about the last 7 years of our lives here at Brunswick North West.


Why is this school so extraordinarily amazing? It's amazing because I always feel safe, I feel comfortable to share my emotions and just be myself.   


I want to go back in time to the first time all of us stepped into this amazing school. I remember being so scared but also excited to start our new adventure. Mixed emotions; feeling like we were growing up, feeling like we were leaving home, feeling like a very little fish in a very large pond. 


Within days we felt safe, protected, comforted and most of all appreciated for being individuals. Eventually we started to make friends, we started to grow up, we learnt so many new things, we made memories. Years went by...before we knew it we were in year 6.


Then we hit 2020, and 2020 decided to hit us. We were at home learning. This year has been so weird, I know none of us imagined our last year of primary school being like this. 


I want to thank the teachers soooo much, they are the ones that got us here. I want to thank Hannah and Wendy for being the best they can.


I wish all of my fellow grade 6’s the best for the start of their new journey in high school. We have such an exciting future ahead of us and again, we are going to be little fish in a new big pond, I am sure we are more confident and capable because of what this amazing school has taught us. 


Thank you so much!