Welcome Kindergarten

We welcome our Kindergarten!


Using gems and our fingers to create pictures
Using pegs to match dots on cards
Using little stones to create different types of lines
Lots of threading and creating patterns
Creating pictures using our peg board
Using little match sticks to copy shapes and create pictures
Using tweezers to move pom poms into ice trays
Using pegs to match the caterpillar numeral
Matching pegs to dots on cardboard
Creating our prayer space
Using gems and our fingers to create pictures
Using pegs to match dots on cards
Using little stones to create different types of lines
Lots of threading and creating patterns
Creating pictures using our peg board
Using little match sticks to copy shapes and create pictures
Using tweezers to move pom poms into ice trays
Using pegs to match the caterpillar numeral
Matching pegs to dots on cardboard
Creating our prayer space