December 10, 2021


Dear BAMS Families,


On Tuesday evening at 7 PM, Our music department will have their 1st concert in two years! Unfortunately, we do need to limit seating to 2 tickets per chorus or band member. 


Today marks the mid-term point of the 2nd quarter. Progress reports should begin arriving home in about a week.


I am excited to share with you that we kicked off our annual Project Feed The Thousands this week! We are asking families who are able to donate non-perishable foods, to send them early next week. We certainly recognize many of you may not be able to donate food and so we will be having a culminating event next week that will give all kids an opportunity to donate. We will be having an afternoon of fun next Wednesday where students can participate in activities and win items to be donated. If we fill 2 grocery carts, the kids will be able to decorate me into a gooey mess of chocolate and other toppings. I think a few kids can’t wait to do that! All of this work is being put together by our incredible Student Leadership group. Thank you for your support!


Finally: On December 23, we will dismiss at 12:30 PM for the holiday break. We will return on Jan 3, 2022! Happy Holidays!



Keith Lyman- Principal

Ms. Pike and Mr. Brewer advise our Student Leadership group and they bring plenty of spirit to our school!
Ms. Pike and Mr. Brewer advise our Student Leadership group and they bring plenty of spirit to our school!

Afghan Refugees!

Our nation is helping thousands of Afghan refugees relocate to the United States. We are fortunate to be welcoming at least 100 people in the coming months. 25 people will be arriving in early January. We expect it is possible to have students in our schools in the Supervisory Union by the end of January. We are excited to welcome them to our community!

BAMS has had a school garden thanks to the work of folks from our Leadership Council. We closed it up this week.

Test To Stay

The school district will be starting new COVID tests over the next few weeks. These response tests have been described in past communications from the district. 

The response tests:

  • are given to students and staff as a response to being in close contact with someone who has tested positive.
  • will be one more tool used to help keep schools and individual classrooms open and safe
  • will not replace our Thursday surveillance testing. 

There are times that unvaccinated students and staff who don’t take part in response testing will need to quarantine at home rather than be in the school building.


To take part in response testing when it can be offered, the district requires two things for each member of a family who are in school buildings. 

  1. Consent. Click on Consent Form to fill in a short form which gives adult consent for any of the response tests which may be given at school. 
  2. SimpleReport. Click on SimpleReport to register for a website that provides you with results for any Test to Stay tests done by the school for your family.


  • The SimpleReport link is different for each school. If you have two students in two different schools use the link found in the letter from their school.
  • Please ignore the student ID box in the form. 

Our School's Website

Our website offers a lot of information about the school. Right on the main page, you can find links to updates sports information, announcements, and links to the team's homework websites. I hope you will check it on a regular basis. 

Diversity-Equity Newsletter

Please click here for an update from our team.


REVISED BAMS Winter Sports Spectator Protocols

1. All spectators and participants are REQUIRED to wear masks while in the building. Non-compliance will result in a request to vacate the premises.

2. There will be no concessions sold and no food or drink allowed.

3. Each player will be allowed 4 immediate family members to attend a game. Please complete the "guest list" form and return it to the BAMS front office to best ensure our efforts to provide a safe and efficient game experience (Players will get that form to parents/guardians).

5. Please enter and exit the event via the BAMS entry doors on the East side of the building, by the Tennis courts by following the appropriate signage.

6. Please check-in with BAMS staff as you enter.

7. BAMS home games are scheduled to be "livestreamed" on youtube. Check the BAMS website prior to the event for the link.

Student Vaccination Clinics

The VT Dept of Health will be holding Community Pediatric Clinics (5-11yr old) at the VFW at 40 Black Mountain Rd, Brattleboro-- 12/28/21 9am-3pm and 1/18/22 9am-3pm.   You may find additional information here:

Food Resources

Click here for some great information on ways to find support.

Parental Resources for Keeping Kids Active During COVID

Project Learning Tree has fun and easy-to-do activities can be used while you explore your own backyard, visit a local park, or walk in the woods—as well as indoors  -  - -  


VINS, ECHO, Fairbanks, and Montshire have developed STEM experiences for Vermonters in this time of crisis -


 4-H at Home empowers kids through inspirational, hands-on learning experiences. Find educational resources, activities, and curriculum for kids and teens. 

4-H also has other oppurtunities for youth such as coding and babysitting coursed for free


Vermont Civic Challenge - This new Challenge (December to March)  to will help you learn more about your state and your country, and give you a chance to help others, as well.  


Young Writers Project is a community of young writers and artists who create and connect online and revolves around three core areas — the website, publications, and workshops — for young people between ages 13 and 19.


HITRECORD is an open online community for creative  collaboration.   

To see more resources (or share some!, visit


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