Staff Profile

Sylvia Wood

I have been a teacher at Scoresby Secondary College for a number of years. Scoresby has been and continues to be a big part of my life.


At Secondary School like many students I had no idea what I wanted to do, however I did have an interest and love of the environment. This led to my enrolment at Rusden State College (Which later became part of Deakin University) where I completed a Bachelor of Environmental Studies, majoring in Biology, Geography and General science. This was an extremely enjoyable time both academically and socially.


Throughout this time and when still at secondary school I worked part time at Myer Melbourne. When I finished my studies I worked as a clerk for a Health fund for 12 months before I secured a position at Scoresby.


In my time here at  I have taught all levels of General Science, Biology and some Geography. I have held a variety of roles from class teacher to science coordinator, year level coordinator and have been a part of numerous committees.


I’ve been involved in organising many camps and excursions, Year 12 graduations and liaising with local council. I spent many years in the role of make-up coordinator as well as sewing costumes for numerous school productions.


I have many interests and hobbies as well as three wonderful children and a gorgeous granddaughter who is 10 months old.


I have been at Scoresby for a long time and seen many changes. Although staff and students may change what continues is a shared sense of community and collaboration between both staff and students.


It continues to be a rewarding experience to work with so many students and to see them mature and pursue their life interests.


Mrs. Sylvia Wood

Year 11 Co-ordinator