Junior School

Junior School Report

It has been an exciting, busy and challenging first term for the Junior School students, with a multitude of incursions and activities. Events included auditions for the school production of ‘Little Shop of Horrors’, a presentation by Michael Griffin on having a ‘Growth Mindset’ approach to challenges in school and life, sign-ups for inter-school sports teams, a performance by BrainStorm Productions on CyberBullying, information nights, the College Athletics Day and Year 7 Camp!



The 2019 Year 7 students headed off to Camp Marysville on Monday 25 February, with much excitement and anticipation. The weather was all beautiful blue skies and the temperature around 30 degrees, and the buses departed without a hitch.


Arriving at Camp Marysville, we were greeted by the staff who would be our activity group leaders over the next few days. Once the entire luggage was unloaded, we were quickly into our first warm-up activities with all students actively engaged. 


Over the course of the three days that followed, the Year 7 students were able to participate in a variety activities including canoeing, orienteering, rock-climbing, abseiling and an exploratory nature walk through the neighboring forest and river.


In one activity, students were guided into the town of Marysville, involving a mountain bike and a visit to the local museum with artifacts from the Marysville fires of Black Saturday, just over 10 years ago. 


There were many stellar examples of resilience throughout the camp, with students confronting various fears and challenges among the activities, and pushing themselves to try and achieve something new.  The support of the peers in each activity group, was a testament to our vision as an inclusive and respectful school community.


Students completed a survey to provide feedback on their experiences on camp.  When asked about their favorite part of camp, student responses included:

  • “Campfire stories and canoeing!”
  • “Making a new friend and getting to know people more in cabins.”
  • “The abseiling wall was epic!”

When asked about what advice they would give the Year 7 students for next year’s camp, responses included:

  • “Try something that is out of your comfort zone and maybe you’ll find that you’ve lost your fear!”
  • “Try your best and don’t give up on doing something you want to do.”
  • “Just go if even you don’t think you will enjoy it. I did not want to go at the start, but my friend convinced me to go, and it was great! I loved it”



Award-Winning In-School Theatre Performances

“The Flipside”


On Thursday 7 March, Brainstorm Productions presented their student well-being program ‘The Flipside’ for the Junior School students of Scoresby Secondary College. This live performance explored the complex consequences of cyber bullying and irresponsible online behaviour.


‘The Flipside’ performance involves two high school students learn that their actions in the digital world, while seemingly entertaining or trivial to some, can have devastating outcomes for others. The performance raises questions about online ethics, Internet safety, digital citizenship and values, and encourages the audience to question their assumptions about what is humorous, humiliating, harmful and ethical online.  The Flipside helps students develop strategies for navigating the digital world in a safe and positive way.


The Flipside is part of our student curriculum and the program has been developed to support student wellbeing in consultation with teachers, psychologists, as well as real-life student experiences.  The methodology of the program is safe, supportive and nonjudgmental, and designed to provide students with positive and useful tools that they can use in their everyday lives.



As we look ahead to the rest of Term 1, we encourage students to continue to use their planners on a daily basis to help organise themselves, record homework and have them signed by parents. This will supports our focus on the development of a ‘Growth Mindset’. Student learning confidence and outcomes grow best when they are able to develop the skills to independently approach school challenges in a positive way.


In the next newsletter we look forward to reporting on the upcoming inter-school sport results and provide updates to keep you informed of events for Junior School students.


In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns please get in touch with the Junior School Team


Mr. Donovan Lawrence

Year 7 Coordinator

Kiosc Year 9

On Monday 18 February, we went to KIOSC at Swinburne University. During the day we looked at making automated bug farms using “little bits” to control lighting, temperature and topping up food.  We investigated smart farming using EV3’s and colour sensors, and analysed the nutritional content of fruits and vegetables that had been processed in different ways using a Brix meter.

Overall, I found the excursion fun and informative.

Poppy Johnston 9B