Principal's Report

Another Fabulous February!

Three weeks into the school year, we are so proud of the wonderful start our students have made.  We are already well on our way to achieving our first goal of 3000 acknowledgements through our SWPBS approach.


One of the great things about being a Principal is getting the chance to visit classes and see learning in action. Mrs George and I are visiting classes everyday this day.  We have specific things we look for each day and we ask students questions to find out just what they think about their learning.  So far this year we have been looking at how well Learning Intentions and Success Criteria are being used in classrooms across the school.  We have been very pleased to hear that our students have a clear understanding of what they are learning and why (learning intention), and they can clearly explain what it will look like when they have learned it (success criteria).  Research has shown knowledge of these two things has a significant positive impact on student learning.  Great to see it happening so effectively at our school.  Well done everyone!

High Expectations in 2019


Last week I wrote about our School Direction for 2019.  Setting HIGH EXPECTATIONS has been identified as one of the key strategies as we seek a positive climate for learning and high levels of achievement in Literacy and Numeracy.



Over the past three weeks, our students have been examining what it means to be a 5-STAR LEARNER.  We have compiled the lists the students have made and have developed a definition of what it means to be a 5-STAR LEARNER at KPS.  Still in draft form, this list of important characteristics  will be reviewed by staff next week and will be on display in classrooms  in a couple of weeks.  These are the behaviours we expect of all learners in our school - every lesson, every day.


As we develop and refine this list, we would value your feedback.  Please look over the list (below) and share your thoughts with us by either contacting your child's teacher, or sending us a message via our school website (Click here)


Upcoming Pupil Free Day

Thursday 28th March, 2019

We will be holding a Pupil Free Day on Thursday, 28th March 2019.  All staff will be attending a professional learning workshop with educational expert Glen Pearsall examining strategies in FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT.  We use formative assessment strategies to help us understand our students' learning needs before we teach them and measure their learning progress.  Best practice in formative assessment forms the basis of our whole school instructional model and ensures we know our students, their needs and the growth they are achieving in their learning.



School Council Elections

Last newsletter we called for nominations for the two parent vacancies on our school council.  We received two nominations for the two positions.  As the number of nominations is equal to the number of positions, there is no need for an election. I am therefore pleased to announce Amy Davis and Tammy Bryson duly elected.  Thank you Amy and Tammy for your willingness to serve our school community in this way.

Have a terrific weekend everyone!!

All the very best,


Mr Gooding.

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