Middle School


Head of Middle School


Middle School Elections

Over the last two weeks the Middle School has been conducting the process of electing our leaders for the 2019 School year. At Middle School we elect Middle School Captains, Arts and House Captains for 2019.


The election process has been a rigorous process, asking students to consider carefully what they can bring to the roles for which they apply.


Our Middle School Captains are chosen from students who have been nominated as suitable candidates by members of staff. Students wishing to accept the nomination are then required to present a speech to the Middle School student cohort. The Middle School students then vote for their choice of male and female Captain.


Arts and House Captains are chosen through a slightly different process. Students can nominate, or be nominated by staff, or their peers for these positions. Students who choose to accept the nomination, are then required to attend an interview conducted by key staff members. Students are chosen on the strength of their interview, and what they can bring to the position.


On Thursday 29th November the Year 6, 7 & 8 students had the pleasure of hearing from the eight candidates for the 2018 Middle School Captain positions, who spoke on the topic, “How I will be a great role model for Oakleigh Grammar”.


The quality of the speeches was fantastic, giving students and staff confidence that no matter the outcome, the position will be filled by two very capable students.


I congratulate all students who nominated, or were nominated for a position, and remind them that leadership does not require a title, and failing to secure a position should not stop them from contributing to the student voice and leadership of our School.


From the process outlined above, it is with great pleasure that I announce our Middle School leaders for 2019.


2019 Middle School Captains:

Toni Stathopoulos

Michael Kaniadakis


Arts Captains:

Jordi Thompson

Helena Papageorgiou


House Captains


George Bitzios

Helena Kassabian



Jonathan Daoulas

Stavee Kourkoutzelos



Stephanie Burnett

Matthew Cormie


Year 9 Wilsons Promontory Bushwalk

Last week, 30 of our adventurous Year 9 students travelled down to beautiful Wilsons Promontory for a two night bushwalk. The students were blessed with beautiful Spring time weather, allowing the stunning coastal scenery to be enjoyed at its best. The students returned tired, but elated with a sense of achievement, having completed walks of up to 40km over the three days. The camp was a fitting and highly rewarding activity to finish the 9Ways year.


Year 9 students who were unable to attend the bushwalk undertook three days of Community Service activities, Fronditha Care, Clayton and St Mark’s Planned Activity Group and Respite Cottage. This activity also provided the students with a sense of achievement, derived from providing a service to others. The students thoroughly enjoyed all experiences, which ranged from reading stories to three year olds, to playing bingo with 80 year olds.