Principal's News





The Australian Government is considering changing the way it calculates how much support it gives to students in our School, using a new method based on each parent's tax return. Implications for our School, our students and families if the Government uses this method is uncertain. 


From my point of view, it's very important to have stability and long-term planning of our School and the education of our students. Whilst there is unlikely to be a significant change in government funding for Oakleigh Grammar, I do encourage you to monitor the media debate on this important (election) issue.


As Principal, I am urging more clarity of information from the Government in relation to what any future change will mean for our School, so that we can plan ahead. Clearly it is unfair if the Government decides for political reasons to introduce changes that are designed to favour one group of non-government schools, rather than the needs of all children in all schools.

Staff News

We extend our congratulations to our School Bus Driver, Mr Ramez Botros and his wife Rosette on the safe arrival of Ezra Malek Hanna.


We wish our Head of Senior School, Mrs Sharron Frame happy and safe travels whilst on Long Service Leave during Term 4.  During this period, our Senior School will be led by Deputy Principal – Operations, Mr Peter Dickinson.


We look forward to welcoming Mrs Dora Papadakis, who returns from long service leave in Term 4. I also take this opportunity to thank Ms Julie Callanan for her contribution to the Arrowsmith Program during Term 3.


I wish to thank all our staff, students and families for the positive support during our 35th Anniversary celebrations, this includes the Founder’s Day Assembly and Gala Ball held earlier this term.