Library News

Welcome to 2019, I’m Mrs Hadfield.
Library hours: 8.30-4pm including lunchtime for all students
Queen Celine: Matt Shanks
Celine Beaufort was an ordinary girl. She did ordinary things, on ordinary days, in ordinary ways. But every now and then, Celine was a Queen, of a kingdom by the sea.
47 Degrees: Justin D’ath
Zeelie wonders if they’re in danger. When temperatures soar to 47 degrees one hot summer day, Zeelie hopes the nearby bushfires everyone’s talking about aren’t heading towards her family’s new home.
I encourage students to visit the library to make a book request for our library.
Tuesday craft continues each week in the library. During our first activity session students made a beaded book mark with their name on it; this really tested our fine motor skills having to tie tiny knots. There were many very creative book marks. Our next activity will be a Jellyfish sun catcher.
ClickVew is here
Clickview is a digital video database that support learning and teaching across all subject areas. Clickview is accessible at school and home, from any device.
Students log in via eduPass details and staff use their employee number
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Browse and search titles in Libraries
Parents do you have a little spare time and would you like to volunteer in the library?
I could really use some help covering our beautiful new books, this can be done at school any time convenient to you. All training and equipment will be supplied along with a coffee.
Happy Reading
Mrs Hadfield - Library