Primary News

Melbourne Victory Football Clinic
Barry Plant & Melbourne Victory FC Clinic- Carwatha Football College
On Monday 18th of February 2019, Carwatha Football College students and primary students in grades 2 & 3 were lucky enough to be involved in a Melbourne Victory FC clinic. Recognised as the most supported and currently the most successful club in the league to date, Victory has won four A-League Championships, three A-League Premierships, one Pre-Season Challenge Cup and one FFA Cup, the only club to have won all four domestic trophies in the modern era of Australian soccer.
The clinic at Carwatha college was filled with plenty of fun and games and included a visit from three professional A League senior football (soccer) players from Melbourne Victory FC. Defenders Storm Roax, George Neidermeier & striker Jai Ingham took time out of their day by engaging in a clinic with Carwatha College students and teaching them to love the game. Students had a fantastic time and really enjoyed the event.
The day also included a special visit from Barry plants bear and Fairy who also took part in giving Carwatha college students a big High Five!
Prep - 6 Swimming Program 2019
Carwatha College P-12 is offering students of grades Prep to 6 the opportunity to participate in the "Learn to Swim" program. The program is a highly valuable part of education for young students and it is a Victorian Government priority.
Qualified swimming instructors at the Monash Aquatic and Recreation Centre in Glen Waverley teach the swimming program in a heated pool. Students learn to swim, improve their strokes and learn water safety, in a fun, safe and educational environment.
The swimming program will run in Week 8 and 9 of Term 1 as follows:-
Week 1: Monday 18th – Friday 22nd March inclusive
Week 2: Monday 25th, Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th March.
We hope your child has been given permission for this important program!
It has been a very exciting start to the year for Prep L!!!
Our very first day of school was great, we played some games, learned each other’s names and even did some planting. We can’t wait to see how our plants grow like our minds are growing everyday!
We have been learning a lot of letters, sounds and numbers. We also learned how to take care of each other and ring 000 in an emergency when St Johns ambulance came to visit.
We have had a lot of fun so far in Prep with Ms Levy and can’t wait to see what the rest of the Term brings.
Developmental Play Photos
First Aid Photos
Prep First Day Of School Photos
Learning Our Names Photos
Planting Photos
Prep PMP Photos
Ms Levy - Class Teacher
Prep/1A started the school year looking awesome in full school uniform. Our students have settled in comfortably, especially the Preps, who are beginning to understand the school routines. We started the year planting bean seeds, and we have been watching them grow every day.
It’s reminding us that we too are growing every day. Our students were very brave, attending our college assemblies and ‘having a go’ singing the national anthem. They have been learning many songs and can’t wait to perform at our assembly.
Our students have attended their first incursion, St Johns First Aid, and learnt about what to do in an emergency. They love listening to stories and are beginning to read books and write their own stories. We’re looking forward to our upcoming swimming lessons and water safety programme.
Thank you parents and carers for helping your children be prepared for the school day.
Preps First Day Of School Photos
Planting Photos
Mrs Abraham - Class Teacher
Grade 1L has had a staggered start to the year, with some students still away on an extended holiday and some who started but went away again.
It seems that many students in the class enjoy singing so we began learning The Sun Smart song that they performed at the Primary assembly last Friday.
Last week we also learnt what to do in an emergency during our First Aid lesson with St Johns Ambulance Australia. All the students role played how to safely check an injured person and ring 000 if they were unconscious.
In Science we are investigating water and have been out in the yard to see how water reacts when poured onto different surfaces.
In Writing, we have been using our imagination to develop a story about ‘The Rainbow Umbrella’. There are many different ideas for the problems and how to solve them in the story.
In Reading, we have been learning about the importance of making connections to what we read. It could be with the character, their problems or the place where they are telling the story. There are so many interesting books that we have read and enjoyed.
In Maths we have been practising our counting, making and ordering numbers and playing Maths games like ‘What’s My Number’ and ‘Climb The Ladder’.
We are also looking forward to The Swimming Program that is coming up on March 18th until the 28th March. It is always a fun 2 weeks as well as being so important for water safety.
Mrs Lilburne - Class Teacher
It has been a smooth start in 2/3M. Everyone has started confidently and enjoyed making new friends. I have been impressed with the way every student has settled into the routines and is dedicated to learning new things.
We have been involved in many exciting activities including: 2/3/4 Sport, First Aid training, Twilight Sports night, Science experiments about our topic ‘Night and Day’, Mindfulness sessions and we are all very excited about swimming lessons coming up soon.
I am looking forward to meeting more families at the Parent/Teacher Interviews in a few weeks.
Sonia McPhie - Class Teacher
What start to the year it has been in 3/4N! We have been enjoying learning about our solar system in science and have participated in a First Aid Course run by St John’s Ambulances. Our Grade 4s have been participating in an athletics program period 5 on Fridays and our grade 3s have had the opportunity to partake in a soccer clinic with Melbourne Victory.
We look forward to what the rest of the term has to bring with Twilight Sports coming up and swimming lessons!
Ms Naylor - Class Teacher
Grade 4/5B have had an excellent start to the year. The Integrated Studies subject this term is Health with a focus on the Personal and Social Capability. Students have been looking at their personal strengths and weaknesses, monitoring their emotions and healthy lifestyle choices. As a part of the unit, St John’s Ambulance came out to the school for a first aid incursion.
Students learnt about how to respond to a first aid situation which included CPR. We have sent home ‘My Important Information’ cards for you to follow up with your children. Knowing their address and other details on the form will be extremely helpful if they ever face an emergency situation at home.
Our grade 5’s had great fun at their first College Swimming Carnival and were, as usual, outstanding role models for our school.
Students have been given homework to be completed and handed in on a fortnightly basis, please follow up with your children and check on Compass for any updates.
Ms Bishop - Class Teacher
Grade 5W have made a great start to the New Year. During Integrated Studies, we have been learning about Health with a focus on mental health and wellbeing.
We have enjoyed participating in weekly Interschool Sports training and athletics skills lessons to help us prepare for the Athletics Carnival. Our Maths focus so far this term has been counting skills and telling the time.
In Literacy, we have been learning how to write interesting narratives. We had an amazing time this month participating in extra curricula activities such as First Aid training and our first Swimming carnival.
Ms Warburton - Class Teacher
It has certainly been a very busy start to the year in the Grade 6 Unit!
As well as getting to know each other, and welcoming new students, the Grade 6s have been busy breaking down the process for writing an engaging story, practicing their counting skills, solving problems involving time and learning more about health.
We all learned valuable lessons in First Aid from St Johns and practiced CPR on a mannequin – which many found quite tiring! It was great to see students discovering how to be helpful in an emergency and sharing their knowledge.
Students have also participated in the College Swimming Carnival. It was great to see students having fun and cheering their housemates on! With lots of fun events and a turn on the Water Slide, students had a great day! We look forward to another great day later in the term at College Athletics!
We may be only half way through the term, but we are not stopping yet! The Grade 6 Unit look forward to Athletics, the Swimming Program and the first Gala Day for the year.
Mrs Zelazo & Mrs Elias - Class Teachers
Prep/1 students have been experimenting with paints and oil pastels. They have been learning how to correctly use and care for materials. Skills in developing a positive attitude towards their creations and a focus on building confidence in their abilities.
Grade 2/3 students have been analyzing and responding to Asian cherry blossom artwork. Understanding how, when and why the pieces have been created. Looking carefully at the analogous colours, techniques and the moods created. They have begun to create a cherry blossom scroll of their own. Skills in blending, printing, collage and large scale artwork have been explored.
Grade 3/4 students have viewed Wassily Kandinsky’s Squares with Concentric Circles and mandala art (a spiritual and ritual symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism). They have used this artwork as a stimulus to paint vibrant, concentric circles and decorate them with mandala inspired patterns. Skills in working collaboratively and taking time and care to produce high quality work have been encouraged.
Grade 4/5 students have analysed and responded to artworks from Canadian artist, Ted Harrison and British artist, Yvonne Coomber. They are developing an understanding of how artists are influenced throughout their life and what impact that has on their artwork. Looking closely at the colour, lines, shapes and depth in their artwork before create a painting of their own. Students have been encouraged to self-reflect on their own life journey and experiences and begin to understand how they can represent that in their artwork.
Primary International students are learning how to stitch a hand puppet. Skills in tracing, cutting, stitching and thinking creatively have been developed.
Parents/Caregivers, donations of Art/craft supplies are greatly appreciated e.g. wool, fabric, craft goods, construction items, art posters etc. Please send them to school with your child, or come and see me in the Primary Art room.
Mrs McAleer - Art Teacher