International Students

Primary International Students - PLC
What a fantastic start to 2019. We have some new faces in the PLC this year, as well as some students from last year. Together we are learning about school routines, places we visit at school and all the English words for the wide range of stationary and classroom objects we use.
We have been learning how to use English to tell the time, identify days of the week and months of the year. We have started to write recounts and we are reading short texts and answering questions about what we have read. We loved jumping around in the pool at the swimming carnival.
The PLC runs on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday and Friday the students are immersed in mainstream English classes where they enjoy PE, Sport, STEM, Maths and Writing.
Mrs Clarke - PLC Teacher
Secondary International Students - ELC
Newly arrived students from language backgrounds other than English usually attend ELC course (English Language Centre) at Carwatha College P-12. Based on collaborative planning and team teaching, we design appropriate curriculum for students with different English levels ranged from S1 to S3 level in accordance with Victorian EAL developmental continuum. Students usually spend up to two terms in ELC in order to develop their skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening.
ELC at Carwatha College mainly focuses on students’ English acquisition. The class includes a range of fun and interactive activities, such as group discussion, excursion, and classroom games, which facilitates students to participate and enjoy their learning. When course has finished, students will be ready to enter the mainstream classes and continued support will be provided.
Mr He - ELC Teacher