Principal's Report
Dear Families, Students and Community Members,
Our school community gathered together to grieve the loss of our colleague, teacher and friend, Anthony Paine. Anthony Paine had been with us for over 32 years, and in the midst of our shock and pain, the strength of character and resilience of our College Community shone through.
As we felt great sadness, gestures of kindness in the condolences from our students, families, past students and neighbouring schools were received and appreciated.
The College staff and staff from the Department of Education acted to support students and each other. Please feel free to contact the College on 97955848 if you have any concerns about your child and would like to connect them with our Wellbeing Team.
I hope you had a wonderful break. I extend a very special welcome to the many new families who are joining Carwatha College P 12 for the first time. I trust that you will feel part of the College community as we work together to continue to achieve very positive outcomes in all areas of the school for our students. Our new year 7’s and Preps have started the year very well and have settled into their classes.
I would also like to welcome a number of new staff who have been appointed this year:
Amanda Thomas - PE, Health and VCAL and head of sport
Zannen Brown - Psychology and English
Clive Joannides - Maths
Mitch Hammond T- PE, Health and is the year 8 coordinator
Margaret Caldwell T- English and Drama
Peter Radcliff - Business Management, Humanities and English
Samuel He - ELC and teaching EAL
Danielle Warburton- year 5 teacher
I am proud to be the Principal of Carwatha College P 12 and I hope you are proud to be a part of the Carwatha College P–12 community. I am looking forward to the year ahead and hope that all students make the most of the opportunities and challenges that that are presented to them.
My ongoing mantra to everyone here is to provide a safe, inclusive and supportive environment, where all school members are empowered to achieve their personal best, to become lifelong learners and to be productive members of our society. Underpinning this focus are our core values of Respect, Commitment, Teamwork and Excellence. It is so important that they continue to be evident in how we all work together throughout the year.
Our first 7 to 12 Assembly was held on the 12th of February, during this assembly we presented badges to our student leadership team for 2019 and presented our High Achievers from 2018 to the student body.
Congratulations to the students listed below on being recognised for their outstanding Academic achievements.
School Captains 2019
Swimming Sports
As part of the 2018 Carwatha College P-12 Sports Program, students participated in the Annual College Swimming Carnival on the 26th February. Students represented their House in a range of swimming events, novelties and games, and other activities on the day. The day was an important part in the development of the culture here at Carwatha College P-12. It enabled students and teachers to collaborate and have fun together, and to further develop positive relationships which we believe are central to a student having success at school.
Excursion Levy
The cost of the excursion levy covers the main excursions for the year level for the year. These excursions are a compulsory part of our program and all students are expected to participate. Details for each year level were provided with the information about Materials and Services payments and Voluntary Contributions. This arrangement makes it easier and more convenient for parents. If you have not yet paid the levy, please do so as soon as possible. If you have any concerns about payment of the excursion levy, please contact Larissa Kashina, our Business Manager.
For the safety of students, please observe the 2 minute drop off times at the front of the school. Parking officers patrol this area regularly and will fine you if you park longer than 2 minutes. Parents are not permitted to park in the staff car parks when dropping off or picking up students. In the interest of safety please do not double park or park in front of driveways.
I would also like to remind parents that school starts each day at 8.45 a.m. All students should be at school in time to enter classrooms at that time. Secondary students need to allow time to go to their lockers before Period 1, so should aim to arrive at school by 8.30 a.m. I would also like to remind primary families that all primary students are required to have a school hat which must be worn whenever students are outside during Terms 1 & 4 as part of the school’s “Sunsmart” policy.
School Council
School Council elections are coming up soon, please consider whether you are able to commit to a meeting per month participating in our School Council meetings. It is important to have parent representatives providing feedback on Council and there will be a number of positions available due to current committee members retiring. Please contact me if you would like any more information on the requirements of being a school Council member.
More information will be available soon.
Once again, welcome back to the new school year. The staff and I look forward to working with you to ensure a productive and successful year for our students.
Pat Mulcahy