year 7 news

Year 7 Regeneration Works at Shoreham Foreshore
Year 7 leaders went with Year 7 co-ordinators to do regeneration works at the Shoreham Foreshore Reserve.
On Tuesday 22nd August, 26 year 7 student leaders accompanied the year 7 coordinators to Shoreham beach for a barbeque lunch and an afternoon of tree planting and removing noxious weeds. The barbeque lunch was to celebrate and congratulate the student leaders on a wonderful first semester of leadership. After lunch the students were given a sample of the weed polygala and were shown how to identify it on the foreshore. After an hour of exploring the foreshore the students had successfully removed a substantial amount of polygala from the area and were satisfied with the difference they had made.
Well done to all of the year 7 semester One student leaders