The Loft Room - 6s & 7s

Welcome back parents and children to term 2 in our new and wonderful virtual classroom.


It has been great ‘Zooming’ with the children, listening to stories, having discussions, asking and answering questions, and sharing all the children’s learning on Seesaw. We would like to say a big thank you to the families for your patience, kindness and resilience to transitioning to this new way of teaching.


We would also like to clarify the four modes of communication that we will be using during this time:


1.) Seesaw: as many of you have learnt, you log into the student Seesaw account with your child’s Gmail account. Seesaw is a platform for your child to upload all their learning (not just ‘prescribed posts’). This could include cooking you do at home, exploration in the garden or any learning done independently of the programme. The early tasks were to familiarise the children with the mechanics of the Seesaw platform. As you have now probably realised, Seesaw is very easy and user friendly for children and we hope that your child feels confident and independent when using it.


We have thoroughly enjoyed reading and commenting on your child’s posts. All the children’s activities will be shared through Seesaw. The posts are currently set to private to ensure work is only shared between your child and the teachers. Your child has a Gmail account connected to their Seesaw account.


2.) Compass: all information for parents regarding the programme will be sent via compass. You will receive a ‘push notification’ and email in regards to your child’s learning. As you may have already seen we will provide you with information for supporting your child’s learning programme. For instance – weekly/daily information, updates, choice boards, timetables and literacy/numeracy information.


3.) Gmail account: Your child has a Gmail account. Your child has emails sent for Zoom meetings and files shared with them. We have shared a folder with your child with maths demonstration. Video files of this size are most easily shared via Google rather than Seesaw due to their size and upload speeds.


4.) Zoom: Finally, as you all know, your child has a Zoom account for our classroom meetings. The children have been navigating themselves on Zoom meetings at lightning speed. 



We want to say a big thank you for all the beautiful emails, wonderful feedback we got back from parents. These kind words have encouraged us and we feel really supported.We are excited and energised by the children’s enthusiasm during the Zoom meetings.

Talitha Crawford,

Oliver Breedon & Paul O'Leary

 6s & 7s Classroom Teachers