
Yes, the Library is Open!

You can now borrow books both physically and digitally; even audio books are available here at Arlington!! Please look on the library portal at!dashboard to see the wide range of resources we are providing. Links and descriptions on how to access Click View and Encyclopedia Britannica are accessible there. There are also suggested educational websites that will be changed regularly, so keep an eye on this spot if you are looking for something new to learn on the web.


At the moment we have virtual tours of museums, art galleries, zoos, aquariums, and even farms, from around the world! There are also some interesting links for you to learn about Philosophy as that is a new focus here at Preshil that you can dive deeper into if you like.


If you wish to borrow a book physically you can do so by reserving a copy on the library portal or if you have any queries about how to use any of the resource platforms just send me an email to...

It is important to note that you don't have to logon to the Arlington library portal, you can search the library catalogue without logging in. But if you want to make a reservation, see your loans, borrowing history, or write a review you need to sign in using the login details below.


There is “Arlington” written in the top right-hand corner. Click here and it will ask you to login with...


Borrower ID or user ID (first name and first letter of  your surname eg.emilys


Password or PIN (Preshil2020 or your chosen password)


The physical borrowing system is organised where you can return and borrow books using two large plastic tubs at the front porch of Arlington house. This means you can come by and pick up or drop off at anytime. However, if you want to physically come into the library and have a look at the books available, I am here all day Mondays and Fridays. So you can reserve a copy via the library portal online or send me an email or just pop into the library when I am here. Our library is a very sunny place and no hands have touched the books all holidays.


I hope you are all well and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon!




Emily Smith

Library Technician