
Bienvenu to Term 2 French

Communication at Preshil continues – in English, French and now on various new online platforms.

The resilient, adaptable, kind and courageous children of Preshil have thrown themselves into new ways to continue with their French learning online. They are navigating their way through different systems and platforms, demonstrating their understandings in varied formats and continue to impress me with their incredible capabilities.

The new way of learning has prompted some different opportunities to revise, consolidate and expand our learning. Here are a few highlights:

  • Kindergarten and Lighthouse children are receiving access to pre-recorded videos of Madame Suzanne and her friends. Children can watch these videos over and over to consolidate their learning or laugh at Madame Suzanne!
  • The Lofties, Sunroom and Peppercorns are using the Seesaw platform to record themselves speaking French. They then receive feedback and extension on their work.
  • New students in the Peppercorns will receive “catch-up” sessions once a week.
  • A range of activities to support different learning approaches
  • A range of activities to support general literacy and numeracy understandings
  • The Sunroom and Peppercorn students will get the opportunity to expand their cultural awareness around France and all things French.

Here is a popular fact from the Peppercorns Favourite Fact Quiz:

France is the largest country in the EU, and known as ‘the hexagon.” With an area of 551,000sq km it is almost a fifth of the EU’s total area, and due to its six-sided shape France is sometimes referred to as l’hexagone.


  • Lofties, Sunroom, Peppercorns - Introduction of the AIM Portal and Workbook with the story of Les Trois Petits Cochons (Three Little Pigs) – coming soon
  • A number of new platforms to consolidate learning through games eg Quizlet, Oodul and Fuse

Fortunately, Sid, Mimi, Latte and friends have not been left behind and will visit the children regularly in different ways – if Madame Suzanne can ever find them??

Last but by no means least, a huge shout-out to all families. I can hear in a number of recordings of some wonderful adult French accents being demonstrated. Thank you for all your help – supporting your children with connectivity, navigating platforms, being patient with the teachers (as we learn a whole new language) and modelling for your children on how to be resilient (cope with set-backs), courageous (have a go), problem solve and be creative (is there another way?) and communicate (there are many different ways).

Please rest assured I fully understand that, if families not have the time, devices, or expertise to complete all the tasks on the children’s lists, don’t feel pressured to do so. If you have any questions or wish for further clarification or information about the program, please don’t hesitate to contact me at:


I feel confident that together we can continue to hear the children babble away in French and maybe even influence some more adults, sisters and brothers – and dogs too – my dog understands both French and English – REALLY!!

Quinn from the Lighthouse “Hi Madame Suzanne. This is my favourite counting song – 0-20. We listen to it every day and now my little sister can count in French too.”


Au revoir tout le monde


Suzanne Banfield

French Language Teacher