In the Classroom (and out!)

Thredbo Ski Trip 2019

The Year 9, 10 and 11 students who attended the Thredbo Snow Excursion have finished their week with amazing form.

The students lived up to their school motto and persevered through the challenges of learning to ski and snowboard and should be incredibly proud of what they have accomplished.

Conditions were incredible and the students made the most of every minute.

Year 9 IST

Year 9 IST held a Robot Challenge day on Thursday 22 August. Lots of fun was had by all students and they displayed their robotic skills they have been developing. 

The winning robot for the Robot Wars was designed and coded by Megan, Arabella, Ellanor & Quang. The first group to have a robot finishing the maze was Ksenia, Emily and Kalani.

Year 11 Legal Studies

On Thursday 15 August, Year 11 Legal Studies students visited the Supreme Court and State Parliament House in Sydney. The students were fortunate to see the case of R v Singh [2019] NSWSC where a woman died of horrific burns injuries. Professor Peter Maitz was the expert witness on the stand and the Legal studies students were riveted, listening to him going through examination-in-chief from the Prosecution barrister and then cross-examination from the Defence. The burns expert Maitz stated that it was likely that the accelerant had been poured or thrown onto the victim by others. We then visited State Parliament and took part in a role play which demonstrated how our laws were made. It was a wonderful day which helped students connect the theory being learned in class to how the legal system impacts on the lives of individuals in the real world.


Wellbeing in Schools

On 30 August 2019 Year 9 students attended a Wellbeing in Schools conference at Rydges Parramatta.

The aim of this conference is to support schools in empowering students to have an authentic role in ensuring all students remain meaningfully engaged and thrive.…/sydney-cpr-connect-prot…/