Basket Weaving Workshop

Written by Mrs Wheaton & Dalet Students

As part of their Design and Technology studies, the Dalet students participated in an indigenous basket weaving workshop run by Daniel and Laree Hills from Goanna Outback. 

Basket Weave by Goanna Outback
Basket Weave by Goanna Outback
Basket Weave by Goanna Outback
Basket Weave by Goanna Outback
Basket Weave by Goanna Outback
Basket Weave by Goanna Outback

Mr Sam, who participated in the workshop, shared that it was a great experience for all the students involved. Everyone was involved and gave it a go. Some of the baskets made were amazing, and it's great to see practical skills being learned.


Tilesa Kolo, one of our Year 7 students, had a lot to share about her experience: 


Jennifer, Tilesa (middle) & Kasanita with their baskets
Jennifer, Tilesa (middle) & Kasanita with their baskets

"Today, we participated in basket weaving with two Indigenous people. They taught us about using certain techniques and skills involved with weaving.  There were woven baskets on display for us, showing their own work which was amazing. 

We learnt about Scar Trees, sites in Lake Mungo, and other places near the Northern Territory. It was amazing to learn new techniques and skills about basket weaving.  

It made me happy. "


The students learnt about how this traditional technique has been used in many applications from eel traps, baskets and sculptures and how the craft has moved on into a contemporary context especially through the use of different materials. 

"The twining was fun." - Archie Tresize
"The basket weaving was good, I got a lot out of it." - Sophie Knell
"The twining was fun." - Archie Tresize
"The basket weaving was good, I got a lot out of it." - Sophie Knell

"Basket Weaving is amazing! I would ask to have them here again, because they were kind and helpful. I would like to learn how to make a base for the basket so I could do it as a hobby. I think that future students in Dalet and Hey need to participate, they should teach this in school!" - Levi Deroon

The students then all had the opportunity to use their own creativity to make a woven basket. It was wonderful to see the variety of work that was created. 

Check out these awesome, woven masterpieces!