2023 School Production

Week 3 Production Update
Work on our production ‘Kismet in Story Land’ has taken off!
All classes have started working on their first dance performance and our lunchtime rehearsals with the student who have speaking parts are travelling well. If your child has a speaking part, please encourage them to be practicing their lines regularly as ideally, we will be working without scripts in the coming fortnight.
Thank you to the many families who have supported us with buying our custom fundraising t-shirts. Today is the last day for orders so get in quick!:
As advised last week, for logistical purposes, our show will be performed with two casts as follows:
- Cast 1 (A-K): Matinee on Wednesday 6th September and the Evening performance on Thursday 7th.
- Cast 2 (L–Z): Evening performance on September 6th and the Matinee on Thursday 7th.
Please note that students with speaking parts may be performing in a different order to the above, and this has been individually organised with the parents of those students separately. If you would like to change your child's cast for any reason, please speak to your child's classroom teacher as soon as possible to make arrangements for this to happen.
Ticket will go on sale through Trybooking in the coming fortnight. All details will be sent through Compass and Seesaw. Keep an eye out as tickets will go quickly!
Costumes will be being organised by classroom teachers, so please stay tuned on your child’s Seesaw page for details in the coming weeks.
Show details
Our production will take place in the school gym, on a stage with four sides All performers will be rotating around all areas of the stage. There is no best seating as all vantage points are the same on all sides and will have the same view of the students as they rotate around the stage.
Matinee shows 11am
Evening shows 6pm
Shows will include a brief interval (with food and drink sales available)
Run time: approximately 2.5 hours