School News

Reading Fluency Matters

Room 8

All year, Room 8 have been spending time in the library practicing their typing skills on Each week, students challenge themselves to improve their speed and accuracy. Some extra studious students have been also practicing at home! At the end of term 2, Room 8 students typed up the innovated information report they wrote in our Talk 4 Writing unit. These have been collated into a class book titled ‘Room 8’s Collection of Magical, Mythical Creature Reports’. It is a very informative read, if anyone is interested in learning a thing or two about some strange creatures!



Room 8 have been braving the cold to participate in swimming lessons at Fremantle Leisure Centre. Despite the weather, students are still enjoying themselves – this is what they have to say:

I am enjoying how swimming gets my fitness up – Jude

I like my teacher helping me do the frog legs – Mamakan

I am really happy about how fit swimming can make me - Ned

I am enjoying learning side stroke – Lovis

I am enjoying how calming it is – Gretchen

I like the teachers because they’re nice and they’re teaching me a lot – Winnie

I like the teachers because they are fun and swimming builds up your lungs – Arlo

I like doing swimming because its really fun and makes your arms stronger – Gracie

I like doing freestyle – Caleb

I like doing survival backstroke - Thomas

Italian News

~ Be our Guest! ~

Calling all parents, relatives, friends of White Gum Valley PS community!



  • Do you have a talent, skill, interest or experience you’d be willing to share with our Italian class(es)?                                                                                                   
  • Could you do a mini-lesson about making pasta, passata, Italian biscuits, gelato…? 
  • Do you play soccer, bocce or Italian card games?
  • Can you sing/dance to/play Italian music?
  • Have you ever lived in or visited Italy?
  • Do you own a Vespa or a classic Italian car?

Then, please, don’t be shy!                                                                                                                        If you do/have ANYTHING to enrich our students’ learning experience and help make the Italian lifestyle and culture come alive, please contact me with an idea of what you can offer and a time which might best suit you.     (FYI– Italian classes are held on Thursdays and Fridays)


The students and I look forward to welcoming you as a special guest to our classes!

Lina Hawke (Languages Specialist, Senior Teacher)


Greetings White Gum Valley Community!


We have lots going in the musical life of our school this term. On Thursday of Week 1 we were lucky enough to view a performance by Gina Williams and Guy Ghouse as part of NAIDOC Week celebrations. 

We were treated to amazing singing and skilful guitar playing, as well as funny stage humour. Gina and Guy’s songs include original songs in Nyoongar language that retell ancient stories from our area, as well as Nyoongar language versions of familiar songs like Twinkle Twinkle (Djinda Djinda) and Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (Kaat, Moorlany, Bonitj, Djen). 

They were very entertaining. Woolah! 

Our students have also been preparing for performances of their own. 

The Xylophone Group and Senior Choir have started rehearsing again, learning pieces for our music concert in Week 10, and individual students will be performing at the Open Night in Week 3. 


Make sure you get along to these events to see our next generation of musicians!


Mr Kaloczy

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD guidelines (2019). 

The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability.

We have attached a factsheet with more information; please take a look. If you have any questions, please see your child’s teacher or contact Sam Tingle, our Deputy Principal.

e-Safety Commissioner

With the holidays upon us, your child/ren might get given more screen time than during school term. Have you ever wondered what apps, games and social media platforms are the latest trends for children? Have you been looking for more information about the apps to make an informed decision about your child accessing them? The eSafety Commissioner has you covered. The experts with the eSafety Commissioner have released The eSafety Guide, which is a platform where you can access information about the latest games, apps and social media. It includes information regarding keeping your identity safe online as well as how to report harmful content. 

The guide can be accessed via this link. 

We encourage you to look it up.

WGV Good Standing Policy