
Beachside Interschool Sport complete  |  SMR Finals  |  Coming up in Sport 

Beachside Interschool Sport complete 

All Beachside Round Robin Sport is now complete for 2023. On the whole Chelt.Sec did a fantastic job filling teams and having a go. We did not finish our Beachside year as well as we started. This term Intermediate, Year 8 and Year 7 students competed in Basketball and Table Tennis and while there were no divisional entries, we showed up and gave it our absolute best, each and every time.  In a funny turn of events our Year 8 Girls Hockey have a place in the Southern Metro Division by being the only school to nominate a team. There is no progression for our futsal teams as this is not a sport in the SMR division however our Year 7 teams have been entered into a All Schools Futsal Competition, to take place at Springers Leisure Centre on October 6.

Our willingness to participate is what I am most impressed with. Thank you to all of the students who take part in sport every term and the teachers who take the time to have tryouts, training and attend matches. With costs of fuel and activities increasing, we have a lot to assess for next year and we will also be looking to tidy up our uniform presentation on sport days.  I will aim to have Beachside Interschool Sport Surveys out in Term 4 so that the planning for another great year can begin. 


Go Chelt and many, many thanks.

Karly Hargreaves

Southern Metro Finals

Cheltenham had six appearances in the Southern Metro Finals, with more to come in Term 4. Well Done to Inter Boys Football, 7 Boys Soccer, 7 Boys Football, Inter Boys Netball, 7 Girls Badminton, 8 Girls Soccer. Congratulations to Year 8 Girls Netball who were runners-up in their SMR Final.

Coming Up in Sport

Friday 25th August

School Sport Vic Lacrosse Competition

We have submitted two Inter Boys' and one Senior Girls' teams


Friday 6th  October

All Schools Futsal Competition

Year 7 Beachside Teams, Boys and Girls


Thursday 12th October

SMR Year 7 Boys Cricket

SMR Year 8 Boys Cricket


Tuesday 17th October

SMR Intermediate Girls Cricket


Tuesday 16th November

SMR Year 8 Baseball