
Science Week:  Primary School visit, Year 9 activities, Year 10 Melbourne Museum visit

Primary School visit

This week, Mr Wang and Mr Rigby lead a brave band of Year 10 science volunteers on a mission to entertain and enthral the students at Kingston Heath Primary School.


The Prep-2 classes explored the concept of weight, they built a balance scale, putting an object on each side to see if they balanced.


The Grade 3-4 students rose to the challenge of transporting a 50gm mass across a 2 metre gap using a balloon rocket. 


The Grade 5-6 students were tasked to build a robotic arm out of straw and string to pick up a ping-pong ball.


All in all the time flew by and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.


The highlight for our noble volunteers appears to have been the cakes and chips supplied for morning tea by our generous hosts.


Well done everyone! 


Hooray for Science!!


Thanks to our Year 10 students, Alexis B., Tara C., Joshua H., Jayden H., Frederick L., Valentina M., Taya R., Imogen S. and Emily W. for volunteering to spread the joy of science to the primary school kids!

Year 9 Activities

Happy Science Week!

Year 9 students have had their hand at building and releasing balloon powered rockets! In an attempt to guide a piece of straw on a length of fishing wire, students used the power of balloons to push and guide the straw and its attached contents across the gap (not unlike a train on a rail). Which balloon type worked best? Straw length? Balloon size? All these variables were ripe for investigation.


Year 10 Melbourne Museum visit

Did you know that Antarctica was once a lush forest filled with wondrous reptilian and amphibian beasts? Well, neither did most of the Year 10 life science students before visiting Melbourne Museum. Students had an opportunity to apply their knowledge of fossils and evolution when seeing the exhibits and movies. Most awe-inspiring however is the mighty Horridus, which is currently the world’s single most complete original fossil of the triceratops.