Staff vs Students Championship

Wrap-up of the competition

Week two of Term 3 saw the commencement of the 5 week Staff vs Students lunchtime sporting championship.  A game by game wrap-up, written by VCAL students are below...


Game #1 - Basketball - 20th July

Basketball was the first game in the Staff vs Students championship. During the first half the teachers had the upper hand, leading by as much as fifteen points at one stage. But the students didn’t let that slide, going on their own scoring streak, bringing it back to a close game. The students eventually came away with a 6 point win, courtesy of a buzzer beater from half court by James F.!


Our next game is Volleyball. Let's see if the students can make it 2-0.


Game #2 - Volleyball - 27th July

We were back at the Staff vs Students Championship today with an intense match that went down to the final point in a game of Volleyball. 


The students took the first set before the staff clinched the second. With the time running out, it was tied at 13 ALL, forcing a golden point. 


The students were able to steal the point to come out winners, 3 sets to 2. A big congratulations to all involved for a great display of sportsmanship. 


Special mentions to students, Zavier L. and Cyrick J. As well as staff members, Mr Smart and Ms Wood for their contributions.


Game #3 - Futsal - 3rd August

The 3rd Staff vs Students match was held last Thursday with staff being humbled in a game of futsal. 


Staff were shaken early with students quickly capitalising on a slow start and pushing out to a 2-nil lead before the teachers knew what hit them. Once the staff found their feet, they were able to put 2 quick scores of their own into the back of the net. The students continued to rally and closed the game out strong with the final score being 5-2.  


The students have already won the best of 5 game series currently up 3-0, with Netball and Table Tennis to come.


Game #4 - Netball - 10th August

The fourth week of the Staff vs Students championship was a netball match. With the students already claiming the series by winning the first 3 matches, it was on the staff to put up a challenge.  A challenge is exactly what the students received. The staff led at every break and stormed home with a comfortable win 17-5.


Next week we conclude the championship with Table Tennis.


Game #5 - Table Tennis - 17th August

The last Staff vs Students event of Table Tennis was played yesterday. We had a large showing from our international and junior students who put on a great display. Unfortunately, our staff were exceptionally strong and won convincingly with a score of 81-23. Games were played first to 5 points. 


This concludes the Staff vs Students Championship with Students winning the title 3-2. 


Well done to our Year 12 VCAL students (Leo, Marty, Chris and Harrison) for putting on a great series. It has really promoted the "Sense of Community" around the school.