Italian Week

Did someone say Italian Week?


Week five was a hive of activity as we celebrated Italian Week in a Cheltenham meets the Mediterranean style!


The inaugural Regions of Italy Treasure Hunt had adventurers hunting postcard snapshots of the 20 beautiful regions of Italy around the school. Prizewinners took home hampers of sweet and savoury Italian treats.


On Tuesday and Thursday, our Year 7, 8 and 9 students of Italian feasted on the longstanding traditional pizza, soft drink and gelato lunch. Then, on Friday, the whole school was invited to jump on the gelato bandwagon with Mr Whippy making a surprise visit during lunchtime.


Staff dabbled in “La Dolce Vita”, “The Sweet Life”, with a splash of Italy morning tea of cannoli and bignè. 


Grazie to everyone who contributed to the spirit of Italian Week.


Viva l’Italia! - Long Live Italy!