From the Acting Principal 

Subject Selection for 2024  |  Course Counselling  |  Exemplifying Our School Values  | Year 12 Class of 2023

Subject Selection for 2024

I would like to inform you that the subject selection process for the upcoming year, 2024, has now come to a close. We appreciate your timely responses and dedication in this matter. We are excited about the diverse range of subjects our students have shown interest in, and we eagerly await the release of successful subject allocations in early December. This process will help us shape a dynamic and engaging curriculum that aligns with the aspirations of our students.


Course Counselling

It has been heartwarming to witness the overwhelming attendance of students, parents, and carers at our recent course counselling interviews. Your active participation highlights the commitment we all share towards the education and development of our students. We hope all involved found this experience invaluable in shaping their future pathways.


Exemplifying Our School Values

I would like to bring to your attention a matter of great importance - the way our students conduct themselves when travelling to and from school. Recent reports have raised concerns about behaviour on the Dingley bus, including instances of unacceptable conduct such as vaping on public transport. We must remember that the privilege of using the services provided by Public Transport Victoria comes with the responsibility to uphold our school's values and reputation. We cannot afford to let the actions of a few tarnish our school's standing or risk losing this valuable service.


Year 12 Class of 2023

As we approach the final stretch of the academic year, I want to emphasize the significance of the upcoming weeks for our Year 12 students. Your hard work, dedication, and commitment have brought you to this point, and it is crucial that you continue to put forth your best effort. The culmination of your efforts will not only reflect your personal achievements but also serve as a testament to your growth and development during your time with us.


Let us work together to ensure that each member of our school community embraces these values and contributes positively to our environment. I encourage all of you to demonstrate respect, responsibility, personal best and sense of community as we continue to strive for excellence in education.


Brooke Matthews

Acting Principal