House Report

Cottrell Report
To start off, we would like to extend a warm congratulations to the 2023 School and Vice Captains, with a SPECIAL SHOUT-OUT to Finlay Maltby and Vijval Jain for our very own Cottrell School and Vice captains!! Such impeccable students to have representing Cottrell - we couldn't be more proud.
Congratulations on making it so far into the year everyone! As we officially hit the halfway term 3 mark, hopefully we’re all realising how quickly this year has flown and are keen on making the MOST out of the rest of it!
With that being said, TERM 3 competitions have kicked into gear and are simply WAITING to be won by us. And it’s looking pretty good!
Our senior debating team is ready to DEMOLISH it in Senior Debating. The whole of SCHS are about to be BLOWN AWAY by our House Drama team, and we are positive our RIPPER Juniors have been working hard in House Sport. On top of all, we’re insanely IMPRESSED by the participation we have seen all year and continue to see!!
It’s only a matter of time before Presentation Night, meaning the House Cup is in sight. What we need now is consistently - DO NOT GIVE UP COTTRELL. Continue to show SCHS what you’ve got just as you did in Chorals. We have a great chance. Not to mention Cottrell’s practically SPEWLING with values cards!
Above all, let’s all remember to pace ourselves - with both the House Cup and our studies. As a house, continue to be united and support each other through exam season. Have each other’s backs, and remember to be your own No.1 supporter! You’ve got this Cottrell. Be faithful to the grind and love the hustle.
Just know - your Cottrell captains are rooting for you all.
Carin Danial C8 & Nathan Pham C8
Rothwell Report
Give yourselves a pat on the back as we are off to a flyer with the house events this Term so far👏👏👏! Although the main 3 events have concluded, you guys have continued to show your desire to win for Rothwell, dominating every single event that has occurred in Term 3 so far.
We would like to first congratulate the grandmasters of Rothwell's chess squad for completely outplaying the rest of the houses! Their performances can be compared to the likes of Magnus Carlsen after winning 16 out of 18 games, cementing their place as the GOATS of chess in our school🐐! To highlight the true insanity of their achievement, 2nd place only achieved 9.5 wins out of 18🤯!!!
The next congratulations go to the girls in VCE Sports as they have yet again, booked another spot in the finals, this time for VCE Netball! Still on a winning streak since the start of VCE Basketball in Term 1, don't be surprised if they put on another performance on the same levels as their 66-0 win in VCE Basketball earlier this year🤫!
Congrats to the boys playing in the Flag Football as well as they have carried Rothwell into the Flag Football finals and are still yet to be defeated by another house! The lads are ready and waiting to see whether Blackwood or Cottrell will take the final spot and their final chance in trying to take us down😤.
Finally a huge congratulations to all of you Rothwellians! Not only was the turn-up for Clean Up Cory incredible, but the effort everyone put into checking every nook and cranny for rubbish was more than the Leadership Team could've asked for. With this effort, we have closed the gap between 1st to under 5 points🤩! With Senior Debating, House Drama and many sports events yet to conclude, we are in a very good spot to bring the house cup back home to Rothwell!
Aside from the house events, as we approach the 2nd half of Term 3, all of us will begin preparing for school exams and VCAA exams. During these times, stress and anxiety are easily built as we all strive for the A+, but we cannot let the stress and bad results determine what we do for our exams!!! Here are tips that you can use to help tackle results and prepare for exams with less stress🙂!
- Create planners & timetables - Write down dates of exams & assessments/SACs. Plan your days and months out. These will help you plan what you need to do each day to achieve your goals. Write those down too!
- Create mini-goals to break down tasks - Sometimes, we sit there not because we're procrastinating, but because the task is so daunting we don't know where to start. Break it down! Maybe tackle the hard ones first or maybe do one of the easier ones so you can make a start.
- Pace yourselves & take breaks - Nobody can go guns blazing 24/7. Yes, it is true we will need to sacrifice more of our time to study, but we should not burn ourselves out as it will do no good for our exams. Enjoy life still! Spend some time on your hobbies and keep them up!
- Eat healthy, stay active, and get sleep - Like they say, "health is wealth". Maintaining a good diet, staying active and getting adequate amounts of sleep are known to reduce stress. With less stress, you will find it much easier to study!
- Talk to others - Many people are behind you to support you. Stuck? Ask your parents and teachers for guidance. They've gone through this before! Talk to your friends and get your mind away from the stress. Maybe help each other, hold each other accountable and do a timed practice exam together?
- BELIEVE - Why put yourself down when it hasn't even happened? If you continue to believe the worst, that is the outcome you are likely to get. BELIEVE! Have faith in yourself! Give yourself some positive self-talk. Tell yourself, "You're him/her"!
- Be happy & content you did your best - Sometimes results will not reflect the effort you have put in but that is something out of your own control. All you can do is do your best. Be happy that you have tried your best and have put everything you could into that exam/test. Focus on what you can control.
- No one is Mr/Ms Perfect - Not everything can go to plan. Not even everyone including me can implement all these tips straight away. Just remember everyone in the school and the state are going through the same things in terms of schooling. You're not alone.
- Embrace the challenge - Even later in life, in university and the workforce, you will experience challenges that stand against your progress. Instead of complaining about the difficulties, why not embrace it? Why not be determined to complete the challenge?
- BREATHE - Breathing is essential to life. You can't live without it. Jokes aside just breathe. Breathe the fresh air. Breathe before a test. Breathe after a test. Trust, it helps.
We hope you find some of the tips helpful as you prepare for your exams. Some tips you guys already know, but many still don't truly use them! Good luck to everyone with the school exams! Rothwell, don't forget to keep participating and racking up those values cards! We can bring the house cup home (where it belongs👑🦅!)!!!
Yours truly,
Manya Arya & GiaLuan Joaquin Tchen (R4), Rothwell House Captains
Blackwood Report
Greetings, Blackwood!
We are absolutely thrilled to bring you a burst of positive news and updates from our incredible house. From dazzling victories in the world of chess to the remarkable achievements of our dedicated house members, there's so much to celebrate and be proud of. Join us on this joyous journey of accomplishments and aspirations!
Triumphs on the Chessboard
Our house has once again proven their strategic prowess and determination on the chessboard, securing an impressive string of victories in recent tournaments. With sharp minds and keen tactics, our players showcased not only their individual skill but also the strength of teamwork that defines Blackwood spirit. Congratulations to each member of the chess team for making us proud and demonstrating that success is a product of hard work and a passion for excellence.
House Pride: Shining Stars In and Out of School
But that's not all! Our incredible house members have been conquering various arenas, both within and beyond the school grounds. From academic achievements that dazzle to artistic creations that inspire, our students have been setting new benchmarks for excellence. It's heartwarming to witness the diverse talents that flourish under the roof of Blackwood, and we applaud each and every one of you for your dedication and determination.
Chasing the House Cup: Never Give Up!
As we navigate the school year, there's a spirited race underway for the coveted House Cup. While the competition is fierce, it's essential to remember that the journey itself holds immense value. Every effort put into academics, sports, arts, and community engagement contributes to the greater whole of our house. We encourage all members of Blackwood to keep striving, keep participating, and keep your spirits high as you work together to bring the House Cup home.
Each step taken, each challenge faced, and each achievement unlocked brings us closer to victory. Remember, it's not just about winning the cup—it's about the lessons learned, the friendships formed, and the growth achieved along the way. So, whether you're a chess player, an artist, a scholar, or an athlete, know that your contributions are essential to our collective success.
**A Call to Unite and Excel**
Let's continue to celebrate our triumphs, both big and small, and stand together as a community that values hard work, dedication, and camaraderie. Cheer for your fellow house members, support your teammates, and cherish the moments that make our journey at Blackwood School truly exceptional.
As we forge ahead with determination, let's keep our eyes on the prize—the House Cup. Let this be a reminder that success is born from persistence, passion, and the unyielding belief that we can achieve greatness together.
Thank you for being an integral part of the vibrant tapestry that is Blackwood School. Your commitment and enthusiasm are the driving forces behind our collective achievements.
With unwavering pride and anticipation for the victories to come,
Aryius and Sophie!