Pay It Forward Projects:

A huge thank you to our school community for your amazing support of the Scholastic Book Fair. Due to the amount spent, our school has received $1900 worth of free books for our school library!!

Here are the winners who won a free book each: David, Mason, Kingsley, Mia, Jack, Maddi, Kira, and Samara.

A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the bake sale for World Vision. I was amazed by the number of delicious treats made especially for our bake sale. It was a huge success and they sold out by morning tea time with only a handful of children missing out. After counting up the money we raised $752.10 for World Vision. 

Thank you to Charlotte Westerhof for her awesome work on this project.

Tui Team and Rm 11  raised over $680 from their bake sale last term to go to the Day One Back2School project.

This project ensures children who would otherwise miss out, have stationery and a cool school bag to start the year with.

Below is some of the stationery our community kindly donated for the project. When added to the $680 raised, this will ensure a lot of needy children start the year happy and equipped for success.