Aoife's Message

Dear Holy Cross families,


Term 3 is always a particularly productive term and the first two weeks certainly reflect this! Our professional development at the end of last term is flowing into our teaching practice across the school, with plenty of opportunities for children to discover, explore, hypothesise, design, create and challenge their thinking.  


Thank you

A sincere thank you to Kellie and Kate J who took on additional responsibilities while I was on leave. It's no surprise to me that the school was in very caring and capable hands. 


We held Parent/Teacher chats this week, thank you for coming to join us. We very much value our family - school partnerships. Over the coming months you will notice an increased use of Seesaw to share children's learning. Please feel welcome to comment, ask questions and to discuss the learning posts with your child and your child's teacher. 


Sacrament of Confirmation 

Congratulations and blessings to the children and families who celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation last Sunday here at Holy Cross. The ceremony was led by Bishop Terry Curtin and concelebrated by Fr Denis Stanley, we thank them for joining us. Thank you also to the Feist family for helping us to get the space ready to welcome everyone. 


PFA Christmas in July event - cancelled

Unfortunately due to low ticket sales the PFA have had to cancel our Christmas in July celebrations. We had timed the event for mid-year following feedback from families, however we will relook at the timing of social events to best meet families needs.


Sports uniform

Our survey to seek input from the community around a design for our sports uniform has now closed. Thank you to the large number of respondants. There was a stand out preference with the design below receiving 49% of the total votes. We will phase this design in from 2024. 


Car park safety

A reminder to all entering and exiting our carpark - please be mindful of driving at 8kmph whilst on our property. The safety of all is paramount and we have had a number of families express concern at the speed that some cars are moving through our area. Thank you for your support.


Wishing you a happy weekend, 
