Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,


Five weeks to go until the School Concert!


Paese Della Danza - The Land of the Dance!


It is with great anticipation that we look forward to this exciting event. As parents, I’m sure you are looking forward to seeing your child `shine’ on stage. It is an opportunity for our students to share their talents and to `be brave’ as they perform in front of such a large audience. 


All students are expected to attend, as the concert is not considered  an optional activity. If there is a genuine reason your child is unable to attend please contact your classroom teacher asap. Students have been rehearsing for a number of weeks and are very excited!


Signora Formicelli has spent every waking moment (including the middle of the night) preparing the students for this special event. I would like to thank Signora (Josie) for the way in which she has engaged our students from Prep to Year 6. 


As advertised, tickets opened for sale on Sunday and will close on Monday 31st July (see School Production section of newsletter for booking details). There is good news and further good news; although tickets are sought after, we have been far more organised than Taylor Swift’s management and ensured that tickets will be available for all our families! Secondly, our concert will be far more entertaining!!! If you have any questions in regards to ticket sales please contact the school office.

Parent / Teacher Interviews - Thank You! 

Thank you to all parents for taking time to engage in a learning conversation with your child and teacher, either in person or online. The teachers commented on how impressed they were with their students in articulating their learning and sharing their progress with their parents. At HT we strongly value the partnership between home and school. We provide two opportunities during the school year for parents to formally meet with the teacher (February and July) but we strongly encourage parents to touch base at other times where required. 

Year Level & Specialist Newsletters

Please take the time to read your child/ren's Year Level Newsletter and Specialist Newsletter which appear further on in this Newsletter.  These newsletters contain detailed information about what is happening in your child's year level as well as important dates to note.

Parent Helpers Course

We will be running the Parent Helpers Course on Thursday 27th July at 3.00pm in the Prep classroom. If you would like to help in your child's classroom you will need to attend this session either in person or online.  An Operoo notice will be sent to parents later this week.   If any Grandparents or other family members would like to attend they are more than welcome.


If you have previoulsy attended the course you are still required to partake in this course as this is an annual requirement in order to assist your child's classroom.

School Closure Day - Friday 28th July

A reminder that the school will be closed on Friday 28th July for staff professional learning. The office will be closed as the entire staff will be working offsite for the day. This will be the only school closure day for the term. Thanks again to all parents for making arrangements for the care of your child(ren) on this day.

Sacrament of Confirmation 

Please keep our Year 6 students in your prayers as they prepare to become fully initiated into the Catholic Church through the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation this Thursday evening. We thank their parents, Godparents and Sponsors for their ongoing support in their journey of faith. Our hope is that the gifts of the Holy Spirit inspire them to be spirit filled people who can make a difference in our world.

Head Lice - Senior Level 

A case of headlice has been reported in the Year 5/6 Level. Could I please encourage parents to regularly check their child for head lice. Please access the following link from the Victorian Department of Health for more information, including advice on the Treatment and Control of Headlice. 

Working Bee -  Sunday 23rd July 9-12  CANCELLED

Due to the small number of volunteers, the Working Bee has been cancelled.

Save the Date - Grandparents Afternoon

Grandparents are warmly welcome to join their grandchildren at school on Friday the 4th of August 2.30-3.30pm.  

Save the Date - Dad's Afternoon at school

All HT and SMC Dad's are invited to join their children at school on Monday the 4th of September 2.30-3.30pm for some fun activities.

School Blog

Our students are responsible for a lot of the School Blog content, so please take some time to appreciate their posts. It is also a great way to find out about school events such as Camp, Production, Sports Events, the Arts …. And much more!



Warm Regards,


Adrian Scutt


Time to eXcel