Science Domain Spotlight

In Science this term, Year 7 classes have been learning about Classification and Ecosystems. In this topic they have been focusing on how living things are sorted into groups and interactions which occur between them and their environment. At the end of term, as a part of this unit they will be provided the opportunity to attend an excursion to Kyabram Fauna Park. More information will be provided about this in the coming weeks.


Year 8 students have been learning about the structure and function of cells. They have looked at a variety of plant and animal cells using the microscopes and learnt about the organelles (“Little organs”) which make up cell. They have just completed their CATs which involved them making a model of a cell and write about the parts of the cell. It was great to see many creative models being constructed. Some examples for 8J students have been included.


Year 9 students have been refining their practical skills with the Investigations unit. They have been conducting lots of experiments and focusing on designing experiments and writing practical reports. Currently planning their own investigation to conduct. We are excited to see the range of experiments which the students plan to undertake.



Sarah Beattie

Science Domain Leader