School Council

And suddenly we are halfway through Term 3! 


A massive welcome to Mrs Bolton, our new Acting Principal who will be in the role until a

 new substantive Principal starts. The role was advertised last Friday for a two week period. I will update you once we have more information. 

As you will have read in Kerrie Anderson’s update last week regarding staffing at MPS, there is a lot happening behind the scenes in terms of a replacement for Mr Kent, and a school counsellor. Mrs Bolton will provide an update on this as soon as possible. 

Again, thanks to the entire MPS community for your patience during this time. 


OSHC survey

As you might be aware, the school council is responsible for decision making regarding

 establishing or operating an OSHC service at a school. To assist us with our decision making about the OSHC service and provider, we have undertaken a joint survey with Camp Australia (our current provider) to understand the needs of our families. (Current families may have received this directly from Camp Australia) 

Could you please take 5 minutes to complete the survey by 24th August at 5pm? Even if you don’t currently use OHSC, it would be insightful to still have your input. 


Mural update

A massive thank you to everyone who contributed to our fundraising efforts for the new

 school mural – all contributions are sincerely appreciated whether it was 50c from your tooth fairy money (thanks Hannah from Foundation) or a gold coin during the free dress day (thanks to the amazing Junior School Council for organising it), or the families who made larger contributions. 

So far, we have raised over $1200 which will cover the artists costs and work on our new mural will start at the end of September. 



Front playground update

Our new front playground is underway – construction is tentatively scheduled for the school holidays and we are hopeful that students will be playing on it once school returns for Term 4!! Our sincere thanks again to Michael Sukkar MP and the Rotary Club of Maroondah for their assistance with funding the playground. 


Building & Grounds update

A few families are having a mini gardening session on Saturday 19th August from 9.30. Tanya Haynes-Ford has again organised a delivery of free mulch from Maroondah Council and we will be focusing on moving it to the garden beds near the Frog Bog. We’ll also be weeding and prepping the vege garden beds prior to the Foundation students planting in them. 

All are welcome to join us for as long as you would like. 

Disco – thank you

Finally, a massive thanks to all involved in organising the Disco last weekend! Community events like that don’t happen without significant input from lots of people, whether it was volunteering your time, baking or DJ-ing! MPS is lucky to have such a dedicated Parent’s Association (and helpers) to create such awesome events for our children! 


Meet your School Council Member

Name : Lee Watson


I joined school council: because I truly believe in and love the school and the community within. Being new to the school, I thought it was the best way to understand the school and how it works, outside of the classroom. I am passionate about people and care greatly about building a sound, solid community that builds and uplifts every single person in the community is vital and I believe that is what the school council works so hard to achieve. Building a school and community that we within and those from afar can see, hear about and want to be a part of.  


I think one of the biggest things I bring to school council : is my passion for students, families and community. I simply love seeing people, and communities reach their true potential. I believe that when people come together as one for the betterment of oneself and community then greatness can be achieved. Greatness is not  about being the best, it’s about the transformation and moving and growing forward to become all you or a community can become and that is an ongoing process. Life is an ever changing journey and for many at times it can be hard and lonely, I believe that one of my strengths and what I bring to our school community is a heart to see every student, every family and our whole community support, grow and transform for the wider community and benefit, and doing that in a supportive, caring and understanding community makes life great. 


Something you didn’t know about me: is that a number of years ago, I broke my back in four places and spent 3 months in Hospital and Rehabilitation learning to walk and move again. I’ve had seven knee reconstructions, one shoulder reconstruction. So you could say I love my Hospital stays. But the sad thing is I still think I can play basketball like I could in my 20’s ( Ohhh I wish) 



Voluntary parent payment reminder

A gentle reminder to any families that have not made their voluntary parent payments – it’s not too late to do so!! 


Within our school these voluntary contributions have allowed us to organise and coordinate the best possible programs outside of the traditional teaching and learning classroom structure. 


These financial contributions assist us with the purchasing of art, science and physical education equipment and resources, to purchase robotics resources such as the BeeBots and Spheros and invest in decodable books that support our whole school Science of Reading literacy approach. 





On behalf of MPS School Council 


Contact School Council

If you have any questions, concerns or items to raise with school council, please email  or