
Victorian Young Leaders Indonesian Language Program
This week four of our year 9 students have begun a 3-week Victorian Young Leaders Indonesian Language Program.
"As part of the Victorian Young Leaders: Indonesia Virtual Program 2023, this week we have been taking part in a number of activities, such as meeting other students from Victoria who also study Indonesian and meeting a number of students from Indonesia. Together we have created a school canteen menu in Bahasa and come up with some interview questions to ask an Indonesian student. We have been learning about health and nutrition, delving into topics such as smoking. Next week I am looking forward to being able to learn more about the Indonesian culture and being able to learn more of the Indonesian language."
- Summary from the EHS participants (Abigail Johnson, Brian Dintinosante, Max Carter and Kate McRae).
Next week our students will be meeting online with students in Indonesia to continue learning about the UN Sustainable development goals and how they can improve health outcomes in Indonesia.
MATTHEW ATHERTON, Indonesian Teacher