Whole School Activities
We had a fantastic day on the 3rd August celebrating Kindergartens first 100 days of school. We dressed up as 100 years old and 100 days smarter. We did activities around the number 100: If you had 100 dollars what would you do with it?, How many groups of 10 fruit loops do we need to make 100? and creating a crown to finish off the day. Thank you all for putting in so much effort! Everyone looked fabulous. Watch the video here- https://youtu.be/JL2Ao_LWOwE
Last Friday we wore our jeans and fund raised for Jeans for Genes. We want to help discover treatments and cures for the 1 in 20 kids facing a birth defect or genetic disease. Thank you to all who supported this and were able to make a donation. We have received $466, what an incredible effort for our small school community. Thank you !!
Georgia Brown
Classroom Teacher