Music & Drama

On Wednesday, 2nd August, Seymour College had the privilege of hosting three performers from the Australian Ballet Company. They came and ran a Primary workshop which looked at the story of Pomi and Gobba, two tree frogs who were tasked with the role of building a nest, or protecting it. The performers showed how we can move our bodies to tell a story for an audience. The secondary workshop focused on choreography and students were shown a series of motifs used in this contemporary adaptation, based on the Wiradjuri Dreamtime story ‘Gobbagumbalun and Pomingalarna’ which is local to the NSW city of Wagga Wagga. Students then created their own group performances, reflecting on the use of speed, timing, line and other various movements to create a unique dance of their own. The final part of the day, saw students in Inclusive Education, Primary school and Secondary 7-10, become the audience and watch the performers dance the story of Pomi and Gobba, showing how the two frogs discover just how powerful their resilience and strength can be, despite being different to most frogs. Overall, a wonderful experience and privilege for our students at Seymour College to be a part of. 

On Thursday 19th October, groups of students from Seymour College will be presenting music and drama items in a series of performances to be held in the Community Arts Centre during the day.  Ms. Kavanagh and Ms. Ridd will be presenting drama items, Ms. May will be conducting the choir while Mr. Manderson will be presenting Instrumental Music Program items.

Students from the primary school and some students from the secondary sector will be invited to be the audiences for the first two concerts, and parents will be invited to the third. All the performances will be held during the normal school day, with the 2:10 pm performance being for parents.

Further details will be communicated closer to the event, including permission forms for the performers and parent requests for attending the afternoon concert.

Roger Manderson

Music Teacher