Senior School News

Years 11 - 12


VCE, Unit 3 and 4 practice exams: 25th, 26th and 27th September (second week of the school holidays), in the Community Arts Centre.


Year 12 Biology class travel to Gene Technology Centre

On Tuesday 1/08/23, Year 12 Biology students travelled to the Gene Technology Access Centre – Part of Melbourne university’s teaching arm, attached to University High in Parkville, Melbourne.

They were able to carry-out two experiments using immunological laboratory equipment under the guidance of PHD student mentors.

This was part of their Area of Study 1, Unit 4 – How do organisms respond to pathogens.

Leigh McIntyre

Year 12 Biology Science PLC

VM Year 11 and 12 Excursion – Frontyard

Year 11 and 12 VM students headed to the city last week to learn about Frontyard Youth Services as part of their community projects. Frontyard meets the needs of young people aged 12-24 who are at risk of or are experiencing homelessness. The students engaged in a presentation and were surprised to hear the latest statistics since covid. The students then were taken on a tour of popular homeless spots in the city and saw the unbelievable ways some people live. Some students found it very confronting and some could not see that this would ever be something they would have to worry about – until they saw Seymour people they knew engaging in the service. Regardless, this is a service they now know and can refer people to if they ever know anybody in that situation. 

Frontyard Youth Services

19 King St, 

Melbourne, Vic, 3000

03 9977 0077

1800 800 531

VM Year 12 Excursion – IKEA

Year 12 VM students visited Ikea in Richmond. In numeracy, students have been learning through building tiny houses. IKEA was an opportunity for them to learn about budgeting and furnishing their tiny homes (or another space they felt more relevant). IKEA has a very successful and unique business model and it was important for them to experience it.  

VM Year 11 and 12 Incursion – Vietnam Vets

Students in Year 11VM have been studying Australian migration and what events since WWII led us to the multicultural country we have today. One of these important Australian events was the Vietnam War. It was an honour for our students to meet and ask questions to three men who experienced the unique war experience Vietnam gave them. 


All three men had different histories leading up to it but many similar experiences, both positive and negative. One spoke about his near miss on being killed and many of the students including Bella Gaspero and Darby O’Brien remembered his words exactly ‘Ill never understand how I didn’t die but the bloke next to me did’. Issac Sturzaker found their perspectives on dealing with PTSD interesting and they said that and that more died of suicide within 10 years of coming back than died in the war – what a horrifying statistic. All gentleman spoke about how they were treated horribly by the public when they came back. They couldn’t wear their uniforms, were called horrible names and had red paint thrown on them. They explained that no service people before or since had been treated like that and they were just following government orders and doing a job. 


They talked to us about in which Australian troops are held in such high regard overseas and what the government needs to do to help support service men, women and their families. Jett Gunther remembered that despite their negative experiences the comradery was something all three men have never got anywhere else and ‘If they had their time again, they would still go’. Their talk inspired our students and when reflecting on it most, if faced with the same options, would also go to war if they were needed. We are very much looking forward to paying our respects on Vietnam Veterans day.  

VCE Physical Education Excursion

On the 8th of August, an educational excursion was organized for students in Year 11 undertaking VCE Physical Education. This excursion provided the students with a unique opportunity to engage with various professionals at the Victorian Institute of Sport (VIS) facility. The visit included interactions with accomplished researchers, a seasoned strength and conditioning coach, a skilled dietitian, and notably, a Paralympian specializing in Rowing. The tour covered various training chambers, including the heat and altitude training room, as well as designated weight training floors. In addition to physical activities, students also participated in informative discussions with the establishment's personnel, gaining insights into potential career prospects within VIS for those studying VCE Health and Physical Education (HPE).

See following issues of our newsletter for information on each of the science subjects listed above.


TAFE and university open days 2023

Attending open days is an important step towards making decisions about your future education and training. Open days allow you to find out about an institution’s courses and programs, explore campus facilities and speak with current students about their experience.

This year institutions are offering a mix of virtual and on-campus experiences. 

Like to learn more?

These myfuture articles will help you make the most of open days:

How to make the most of open days and career expos

InstitutionDateEvent Type
Deakin University (Burwood)Sunday 27 AugustOn campus
RMIT (Bendigo)Sunday 27 AugustOn campus
Australian Catholic University (Ballarat)Sunday 27 August On campus
La Trobe University (Bendigo)Sunday 27 August On campus