Community News

Dear parents

Kelly Club Seymour College is operating a full day (6:45am-6:15pm) of care on the Pupil Free day of Tuesday the 15th August. If you require care for your child/ren please enrol via this link

Rosemarie Farrugia - Coordinator

Kelly Club Seymour College.



'Women' - Would you like to learn more about saving, spending & budgeting your money? 

See the link below:


'MyTime'  at Seymour Family & Children’s Centre, 29 Stewart Street


Coffee and a chat







We are excited to announce that we will be running an AFL Auskick clinic at Seymour College this term. Please see the attach flyers for information regarding the program and use the QR code to register your child. The clinic will be open to all students aged 5-12.


Six of our year 11 students have been invited to travel to Avenel on Sunday the 20th August, to present a debate to the community. It is an exercise in presenting a point of view and being able to support that viewpoint with evidence, to justify an argument.  This opportunity relates directly to one of the Year 11 English outcomes for Unit 2: Area of study 2- Exploring Argument. In this unit, students read and analyse texts with a focus on the use of persuasive elements, learn to recognise persuasion in various mediums of text such as print, digital, audio and audio visual. Furthermore, students produce an oral presentation that creates an argument and a persuasive effect on the audience. Our students will work together to produce a debate which focuses on both sides of the issue and present this to the community to reflect on.