Year 7 Vaccination catch up day

Year 7 Vaccination catch up day – Tuesday 5th September 2023

Students in Year 7 who missed our Vaccination Day in Semester 1 2023,  will have an opportunity to catch-up their diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (dTpa) vaccine and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.  Also, those students who were born overseas or have a parent who was born overseas will also be offered a Mantoux test.  These free vaccinations are recommended by the National Immunisation Program as part of the school-based vaccination program.


Vaccination permission forms are now available at Reception, Student Access or the Medical Centre. No vaccines or Mantoux tests will be given without parent consent.


If you have any queries about the school vaccination program, please contact the school’s nurse at the Medical Centre on 8950 4567 or