
Sunrise of Africa School
Earlier this week we received this lovely email from Robin Clarke (Australian Representative for Sunrise of Africa School):
“We were thrilled to receive the generous donation from you all and it will make a huge difference at Sunrise of Africa School. As you probably know, the school has been building a dining hall for the students. This will make an incredible difference as all the children and staff are given a most welcome hot and nutritious meal in the middle of the day. Many students do not have food security in their homes. This dining hall will replace a small tin shed that has been used for some years as the kitchen.
Previously, the students ate outside in all weathers. Imagine their excitement to have an actual dining hall! It will certainly raise morale and strengthen their sense of community. In addition, the new building has a stage at one end so they will be able to have better assemblies and plays once it is completed. There are many, many students who are talented singers, dancers and actors.
Parents are always thrilled to see them perform. I know how hard you must have worked to raise $1845.23, and I want you to know that it is most appreciated by every single student and staff member in the Kenyan school. Your kindness will not be forgotten.
And from Mr Houghton:
“So wonderful to see the impact Huntingtower can have. A fine example of being true to our Mission to be a beneficial presence in the world. Well done Rayner!”
Thank you to everyone who chipped in with our fundraiser. We look forward to raising the bar even further next year.
Mr Rodney Jones
Head of Rayner House
Subject Selections 2024
Update on the Senior School subject selection process (2024).
Year 11 & 12 subject selections have now closed for 2024. If your child was unable to make a selection before the deadline, we encourage you to contact Ms Hender as soon as possible with their preferred subject changes.
Year 10 students are continuing to progress through the selection process. We are currently in the second stage, with Round 2 opening on the 15th of August. Further details regarding this stage will be communicated shortly.
Subject selections will open for Year 8 & 9 students at 5 pm on the 9th of August and will close promptly at 9am on Friday the 18th of August. To guide them through the process, both Ms Hender and Mrs Christensen will address both year levels on Wednesday the 9th of August.
Below is a snapshot of the subject selection process:
HT Connect
Watch the instructional video below: