From the Chaplaincy

Harmony Reigns
Mary Baker Eddy often used the principles of music as a metaphor for divine principles. Principles of musical harmony and composition do not change because we happen to play a wrong note. Similarly, Divine laws, that say our students reflect only perfection, health, harmony, unlimited intelligence and goodness, don’t change if it seems they don’t always demonstrate it. We need to see through behaviours and see the true qualities in our students.
"Harmony in man is as beautiful as in music, and discord is unnatural, unreal."
That is, discord doesn’t exist.S & H
When people hold a piece of music in front of them, they’re accepting an authority outside themselves. The conductor keeps them together by indicating the tempo and the musical dynamics. The end result is a blend of sound and a message bigger than what one individual could make. Even if one’s voice or playing is not fully trained, it still adds a positive benefit to the greater whole because it supports the general effort. We often see that on campus where students and staff lift each other higher, and the whole school as well.
On the recent European Music trip, the cross-age nature of the tour saw many instances of senior students nurturing the younger students musically, socially, and emotionally. One younger student was feeling travel-sick, and an older student took it upon herself to support the student, including cleaning him up, purchasing water and food, and staying with him until he began to feel better. One student, previously identified as having a tough time socially, made new friends and was fully engaged in the group and musical activities, and was consistently smiling.
On the European Music trip there was a clear unity of purpose, supported by staff, students and their parents, which meant there was a harmonious and collective effort that resulted in uplifted thought and unified progress, not just in the performing, but in the lives of the students also.
Not everyone sings or plays an instrument. But everyone has the capacity to focus on the nature of God as One, as universal Love, as present right here and now. We can all do that. To always be kind. When we recognize that there is only one God, good, then that immediately begins to reduce dissension, conflict, and disharmony.
On the tour, co-sharing of hotel rooms required some adjustment of approach and attitude for some students: Through careful intervention, conversation and reminding of the importance of kindness, one pair of boys went from being adversaries to becoming tolerant of each other, to then becoming good friends.
So, listen, stay alert, and have a harmonious term.
“Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.”
- The Bible, Corinthians
Just as following the music and watching the conductor intently have a harmonious effect, when we acknowledge one infinite God, good, it… “unifies men and nations; constitutes the brotherhood of man; ends wars; fulfils the Scripture, ‘Love thy neighbour as thyself.” - Science & Health p.340.
From the Chaplaincy