HT P&F News
Hi all,
Semester 2 is flying by already but here is where you will see the P&F this term.
’39 Steps’ Candy Bar:
I hope you all have your tickets to the schools production of ’39 Steps’. There are 4 shows from the 10-12 August including a Saturday arvo matinee. The P&F encourage you to support our wonderful Drama department and get along to this play. All money raised from the Trivia Night earlier in the year were donated to the department to help with this production. The P&F will also be running a Candy Bar at intermission at each show. The intermission is just a quick 15mins to grab a water / tea / coffee and a quick snack. To keep things moving please bring gold coins or $5 notes as we won’t be able to break anything bigger.
Click here:
Fathers Day Breakfast:
A new one this year, the Inaugural Fathers Day breakfast for the Junior School dads and kids will be held on 1 September. Following on from a successful Mothers Day event we are putting a similar brekkie on for the Fathers. Junior School Dads, keep an eye out today for a link to order your breakfast. Preorders only, no sales on the day to ensure we cater correctly. Brekkie will be served from 07:30 to 8:15. The Junior School Council will again be called upon to choose a male based charity to donate the funds raised at this event to. Hope to see you there. https://www.trybooking.com/CIJCX
Footy Finals Pie Drive:
After a great response to our Annual Honey Drive, the P&F have decided this year to run a Pie Drive. Coming up to Footy Finals in September is always a great time on the Melbourne Calendar. The P&F are teaming up this year with ‘Emerald Village Bakery’ to bring you some delicious family pies. We will be kicking this Pie Drive off in the coming weeks with delivery booked in for the last week of school for this term. So start planning your Footy Finals parties and order some Pies to feed the crowd. The President visited the bakery last week and as a pie afficionado he says the bakery is kicking goals.
Keep an eye on HT Connect where we will update you all on everything P&F including details of our Christmas event scheduled for the evening of 1st December.
Stay safe, keep warm and we hope to see your smiles around the school soon.
From the HT P&F Committee