Mental Health & Wellbeing Student/Parent Support 

Articles, Videos & Resources


We are writing to address a concerning issue that has been affecting our school community - nits, also known as head lice. We understand that dealing with head lice infestations can be a frustrating and challenging experience for families, and we want to assure you that we are taking this matter seriously.


Head lice infestations are common in schools and can affect anyone, regardless of personal hygiene or cleanliness. It is essential to remember that getting head lice does not reflect a lack of care or responsibility on anyone's part. These tiny pests are spread through close head-to-head contact and are particularly prevalent among young children who often play closely together.


Our school is committed to addressing this issue effectively and minimising the impact on our students and families. To that end, we want to share the steps we are taking to tackle head lice infestations:


Education and Awareness: We will provide educational materials and resources to parents and students about head lice prevention, identification, and treatment. It is crucial that everyone in our school community understands how to recognize and manage this problem.


Confidentiality and Sensitivity: We understand that head lice infestations can be embarrassing for students and families. Please know that we will handle all cases with utmost confidentiality and sensitivity, ensuring that affected individuals are treated with respect and understanding.


Prevention Tips: We will share practical tips with parents and students on how to reduce the risk of head lice infestations. These tips may include tying back long hair, avoiding head-to-head contact during play, and regularly checking for lice.


Support and Resources: Should your child be affected by head lice, our school will provide guidance and support in finding appropriate treatment options. We will also direct you to available resources to make the treatment process more manageable.


Please remember that it is essential for everyone involved - parents, students, and school staff - to work together to address head lice infestations successfully. Open communication and a collaborative approach will be instrumental in overcoming this challenge.


If you have any questions or concerns about head lice or would like further information, please don't hesitate to contact the office. We are here to support you and your children through this process.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we tackle this issue and create a healthy learning environment for all our students.



Feeling safe and supported is the right of everyone in the school community. The resources available on the Student Wellbeing Hub help to create learning communities that promote student wellbeing and the development of respectful relationships. The Hub is underpinned by the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework, which highlights the importance of educators, parents and students working together. We can make a difference, starting now.



When you are going through a hard time, it’s natural to want to try and solve everything on your own. The idea of talking to someone about it can feel scary or embarrassing. You may not want to admit you need help, or you may be worried about what people will think of you.

You’re not alone, and it's okay to reach out for help. We all need help at different times. It doesn’t mean you are weak or have failed; in fact, being able to express how you’re feeling is a great skill to have. People who care about you want to understand what you’re going through and will want to help. Asking for support from a family member, friend, or anyone you trust is a great first step.