STEP Year 8 

Marcela Nievas - STEP8 Teacher

Our Year 8 STEP classes, a small preview. 

We always encourage our young learners who sometimes struggle to access the curriculum and can produce great work when they make the effort.


STEP8 students are working on a unit:

 Landscapes: How does a place affect how we live? In this extended project, the students explored Melbourne city – a constructed landscape.   They chose and researched three places in Melbourne and learnt about the purpose and features of an Informative Report. Following their completed Report, they prepared a PowerPoint and learnt what makes a good oral presentation. 


How do we present information to an audience? How do we engage an audience? How do we use effective body language? They also explored the rubrics used to assess their tasks and reflected on how they can improve their skills. 


The presentations demonstrated excellent research, organizational and oral skills. Some students went a step further and prepared a quiz via Kahoot for the class. Well done STEP8 students!