
Sue Keel - English and Languages Learning Coordinator 

‘SIS Cultural Book in a Day workshop.


On Thursday 20 July we went to John Paul College to attend the SIS Book in a Day workshop. The majority of the day consisted of two sessions with a range of authors and illustrators that focused on particular aspects that will help enhance a story. 


The sessions were split across three different groups, two with writers and one with illustrators, and these skills will later assist the school groups during the actual 







competition on 10 August. Before the day concluded there was a Mini Book in a Day, where the individual teams worked within their groups to plan and create a short story using a practice prompt provided. 

We were also given a worksheet that was to be filled in and handed up before we left, so that it would be used as prompts on the day of competition. 


Overall, the day was enjoyable and  informative. 

 Juan Wani