Deputy Principal- Teaching & Learning

  Kamila Bielinski 

Subject Selection – Web Preferences Key Dates 

Each student has been emailed login details for the Web Preferences System. Parents have also been emailed instructions and are encouraged to refer to the Curriculum Guide available on our College's website. 



Please remember that:

  • The whole school timetable is recreated each year based on student preferences
  • Choose wisely as changes can be difficult/near impossible
  • PLEASE NOTE: subjects must meet a minimum number of students to run.

Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews- Save the Date 

Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews are scheduled for Term 3. Interviews will once again be conducted online and in person in order to provide as much opportunity as possible for parents to partner with the College. These will be conducted on the dates and times indicated below:


Year 7-11 Interviews 14 September3:30 pm - 8:30 pm Onsite - in person
Year 7-11 Interviews15 September10:00 am - 2:30 pmOnline - MS Teams

Cyber Safety - Growing up online Susan McLean

Susan McLean, renowned cyber safety expert presented to students and families on Monday the 17 July. Susan presented key information in an engaging and matter of fact way highlighting the importance of good relationships and support mechanisms in the lives of young people. As we continue to work in partnership, please find some parenting tips associated with phone use within the home below:


10 Tips for Parents and Careers:

1. Remove devices from bedrooms. (This means parents too, unless you have an on-call occupation). Let your children see that you can sleep without a phone next to your bed. 

2. Follow the rules of the site/app. Read the Terms and Conditions of Use and ensure that your child is following them, especially around age restrictions. Don’t help your child lie online. 

3. Have a family online contract—what are the expectations around safe and responsible technology use?

4. Know your child/rens passcodes and password. This is not an invasion of privacy - 

 it is PARENTING. 

5. Be an active participant in your child’s online world. Play and explore together. 

6. Learn to say NO! 

8. Know the sites, apps, games they are using and use them as well. 

9. Ensure your child is only talking/engaging with people they know IRL (IN Real Life). You should be able to invite their friends to dinner. There is no such thing as an ‘online friend’

10. Know where your child is in the online world, the same as in the real world.


Nationally Consistent Collection of Data Notice

Each year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). St John’s Regional College will again be participating in this process over the coming months. 


The NCCD process requires St John’s Regional College to identify information already available in the school about ways that we are supporting students with an identified disability. We do this as part of our requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, and in line with the NCCD Guidelines (2019).


Information provided about students to the Australian Government for the NCCD includes: year of schooling; category of disability (physical, cognitive, sensory or social/emotional); and level of adjustment provided (support provided within quality differentiated teaching practice, supplementary, substantial or extensive).

This information assists schools to: formally recognise the supports and adjustments provided to students with disability in schools; consider how they can strengthen the support of students with disability in schools; and develop shared practices so they can review their learning programs in order to improve educational outcomes for students with disability.


Further information about the NCCD can be found on the NCCD Portal.  To read the information sheet for parents see below.