House News-


Nigel Adkin - House Leader 

Term Three has commenced with a bang for the students of Monoceros.


So far in the term, students have been involved in the Careers Expo to help assist the senior students identify what potential jobs and study options are available to them at the end of their secondary schooling. Leading on from the Expo the Years 9 to 11 students commenced their subject selection process for the following academic year.


From a sporting perspective we have a large number of students competing for the College in the weekly sports offered.


On Monday 21 August students who excelled at the House Athletics Carnival will represent the College at the SIS Athletics Carnival, held at Casey Fields. 


We congratulate them on their efforts and wish them well in with their weekly sporting fixtures and the SIS Athletics Carnival.


Finally, with the year passing on quickly, our Year 12 VCE and VM students are nearing the end of their schooling. We wish them all the best in chasing their academic dreams in the weeks they have left at the College.